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__________c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - e i g h t

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c h a p t e r t w e n t y - e i g h t

JULY 18TH, 1985

"Ma, I'm leaving," Sam announces, sliding on her jean jacket and her Converse, before running downstairs.

She expects to see Steve sitting outside in his car, but instead, he was in the living room with her parents, helping her mother pick out paint swatches for the salon.

"I'm telling you, electric blue will catch eyes," Steve advises.

"I'm taking your advice, Harrington. This better work, I need customers," she shakes her head, putting the swatches back into the Ziploc bag.

"You'll get them, I promise," he assures, as Sam clears her throat.

He looks over with a grin, eyes brightening at the sight of her walking into the room. "You look... stunning. These are for you."

"Thank you," she accepts the peonies with a grin, placing them in the vase on the hallway table. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," he grabs his keys. "It was nice seeing you again, Mr. and Mrs. Flores. I'll have her back by midnight."

"1," Sam corrects him.

"Midnight," Leo argues.

"If you let me stay out til one, maybe I'll feel persuaded to give that filthy car a wash tomorrow," Sam bargains.

"Fine, be back by 1," he rolls his eyes, as she cheers.

"Love you, dad," she smiles sweetly, kissing his cheek.

"Whatever, love you too," he waves her off.

"Sam," Gianna calls out just as they open the door. "Be safe."

"I will," Sam promises, before walking outside.

"Okay, are you ready for the best date of your life?" he opens the car door, dramatically.

"Yeah, you know someone who could give me that?" she teases, as he starts the car, turning on the radio.

He chuckles, giving a smug smirk as he drives further and further out of Hawkins.

"Where are you taking me, anyway?"

"It's top secret," he shrugs.


Meanwhile, at the Flores house, Bianca was sitting on the porch, watching the sun go down. She always thought sunsets were some of the only things about Hawkins she actually liked. This town sucked major, but every once in a while, she'd come out and see the pinks and orange hues in the sky and think maybe it isn't so bad.

As it gets darker, Mike rides up on his bike, hesitantly sitting down next to her. "Hey."

"Hey," she responds, eyes still lingering on the setting sun.

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