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________c h a p t e r  o n e

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c h a p t e r  o n e

The first time Bianca and Sam went to Camp Tippecanoe, Bianca spent the entire car ride sobbing because she didn't want to be forgotten by her new friends Mike, Will, and Lucas.

Of course, now she welcomed the chance to disconnect from the hectic life that is living in Hawkins, but she still missed her friends more than ever.

Despite her love for the camp, Bianca could not wait to get back home. Well, back home to Mike, really.

A few things had changed since that night that EL closed the gate, hopefully once and for all.

Mike had officially made her his girlfriend over Christmas, giving their friends more than enough to make fun of on a daily basis.

She had also taken a trip to the orthodontist before leaving for camp, finally getting rid of her braces. No one would be calling her Metalmouth anymore.

It may sound silly, but they'd always made her feel embarrassed. Like she was somehow less pretty because of the hunk of metal in her mouth. It didn't help that they'd given her a serious lisp.

That being said, you can imagine her impatience as she waits for her father's SUV to pull into the pick-up lot next to the lake.

"What's taking him so long? Hawkins is 20 minutes away," she paces, while Sam rolls her eyes.

"Can you sit down? He said this morning he'd need to make a stop at the police station to pick up some files before he got us. He'll be here soon."

"It's hot."

"Just admit you're dying to hang out with Mike," Sam teases, poking her side.

Her sister glares at her, swiftly smacking her hands away.

"And the rest of the party. I'm not one of those love-crazy girls who can't think about anything but their boyfriends. Plus, I don't want to be late for the movie."

"I'm not accusing, simply observing," she holds up her hands, chuckling under her breath.


"You'll get there on time, now relax," she assures.

Surely enough, the white Ford Bronco pulls into the dirt road a few moments later, prompting Sam to give her a smug look, before immediately tossing their bags in the back.

"My girls!" Leo shouts as Bianca climbs in the backseat.

"Step on it."

"Hey Dad," Sam smiles, giving her sister a look. "Clearly my sister forgot how we greet people."

"Hello, father. Now put some pep in your step. We have places to be!" Bianca claps.

"Well, excuse me. I didn't know I was your taxi driver," he dramatically responds, stepping on the gas.

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