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___________c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - f o u r

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c h a p t e r t w e n t y - f o u r

"Okay, we need a plan," Sam leans against the wall, handing Robin and Steve their water bottles, despite them appearing to be decently sober.

"Thanks," they accept, Steve's hand lingering on her own for longer than necessary.

In reality, it just felt nice to be sure she was there. That she hadn't slipped away again.

"Why don't we wait for the movie to end?" Dustin suggests, after pacing the room for awhile longer.

"Seriously? I think you can watch Back to the Future some other time," Robin chuckles.

"Not so we can watch it," he rolls his eyes. "So we can join the crowd and get on the bus."

"The bus?"

"Yes, the bus."

"Wait, that could actually work. That was the last showing which means everyone will be coming out in a crowd," Sam excitedly nods, high-fiving Dustin. "Nice job."

"I try," he shrugs.

Surely enough, a few minutes later, everyone files out of the theater, heading for the exit. It was just packed enough for them to squeeze in without drawing any attention to themselves.

"Blend," Dustin instructs, and they quickly join the crowd, trying to look as unsuspicious as possible.

"Well, shit, that worked," Erica grins.

"Of course it worked. Now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come," Dustin assures.

"Uh, Dustin?" Steve speaks up, a sheepish look in his eyes.


"Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house," he shakes his head, looking around.


"Well, I might've told them your full name," he admits.

"What is wrong with you?"

"What? I was drugged!"

"So?" Dustin screeches.


"So you resist. You tough it out, you tough it out like a man," he scolds, making Sam hit his arm.

"Oh, yeah, that's easy for you to say."

"Guys?" Robin alerts them of what was at the entrance.

Of course, it was the Russians from before, now guarding the doors. It appeared they were using the guise of checking everyone's bag before they can leave as their method of finding the kids, which meant they had no way of exiting the mall that way.

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