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_________c h a p t e r  s i x

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c h a p t e r s i x

Samantha, on the other hand, was talking to Steve towards the end of her break. She could tell her rejection had taken a hit to his ego, making her feel a little guilty.

"So what did Dawn say?"

"Uh, she said she has plans. Honestly, Sam- Henderson?" he looks around her, prompting her to give a look of confusion.

"Flores, actually," she jokes, before following his eye-line.

"Steve!" Dustin cheers, running up to the counter.

"Henderson! He's back!" he runs around the counter, engaging in some sort of special handshake with the boy.

Sam and Robin watch on in amusement, Sam smiling at the pair. "I'll leave you to it. It's nice to see you, Dustin."

"Yeah..." he dreamily responds. "Wait, actually, I need your help, too."

"I have to get back to work, but update me later!" she grins, walking back to the escalator.

"So you two still aren't..."

"No. I'm starting to think she's over me, man."

"Yeah, right."

"This stupid hat is hiding my best feature, I mean, God!"

"Yes, because Samantha Flores likes you solely for your hair. She's not that shallow."

"I know. It's easier with the shallow girls, trust me. Whenever I'm about to put the moves on her, she gives me this look, like she's looking into my soul. You know, reminding me of how much I don't deserve her. And no other girl compares to her, you know?"

"So why don't you tell her all of that?"

"Because King Steve would never get that sappy, it's embarrassing."

"I cannot believe you just called yourself King Steve in the third person."

"Yeah, I regretted it as soon as I said it," he shakes his head with a wince.


Punching back in her timecard, Sam gets back to work, folding up some messed up t-shirt displays as Dawn comes in.


"Henderson," she nods, recentering the mannequins. "Why can't you come to the fair with Steve and I?"

"Because I have plans. Hawkins' favorite dealer is coming over," she grins.

"Right, Eddie... I'm gonna be honest, he still creeps me out a little. There's no way your mom would approve," she continues checking that every shirt has a price tag, placing the ones without into a bin.

"Well, he's not my boyfriend so he won't be meeting my mother."

"Yeah, I forgot you 'don't do relationships.' Still creepy."

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