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________c h a p t e r  f o u r t y - s e v e n

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c h a p t e r  f o u r t y - s e v e n

It's a shame Bianca could say she had more than enough trauma for a lifetime at the ripe age of 14, but that doesn't mean the universe is afraid to give her more.

Like right now, when her heart was still beating a mile a minute at the attempted assassination, only to remember that there's also a heavily bleeding federal agent right next to her.

"He's bleeding so much," Bianca whines as she stares at the red liquid covering her, Mike's and Will's hands.

"It's not slowing!"

"Just keep pressure on it."

"More pressure! Get the napkins!"

"He needs a medical professional," Bianca turns to Jonathan. "This isn't working."

"Argyle, get us to St. Mary's!" Jonathan shouts.

"I don't think praying is gonna help that dude, man!"

"No, you idiot! St. Mary's hospital," he corrects.

"No, no," Agent Harmon immediately objects, to the best of his ability. "No hospital."

"No, you need the hospital. Pretty desperately, actually," Bianca glances back at her hands, feeling nauseous. "My aunt works there, she'll help you."

"You need to warn... O-Owens," he struggles to say. "The girl... She's- She's in danger."

"Okay, how- how do we find Owens?"

"Nina. Nina."

"Nina? Who's Nina?"

"Here's the number," he hands Jonathan a pen, growing weaker by the second.

"He wants us to write something."

"We can call this Nina?"

"Grab a magazine or something," Mike adds.

"Will, there's one behind you!" Bianca spots the glossy pages tossed under Argyle's seat.

He quickly snatches it, holding it up to Agent Harmon, hoping he'd muster enough strength to write it.

"Hey, write the number!"

"Hey!" Jonathan starts to panic, seeing the life leave his eyes. "Hey! Come on!"

"Oh my God," Bianca gasps, scooting away.

"Hey, why is it so quiet back there?" Argyle looks into the rear view mirror. "Is he dead? Talk to me!"

Just as Bianca turns away, she spots a van following them, which only makes her eyes widen. "Shit, shit, shit. "

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