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_________c h a p t e r  f i f t y - n i n e

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c h a p t e r  f i f t y - n i n e

After a bit of aimless driving, Steve finds an empty field on the outskirts of Hawkins, just far enough away for them to carry out their plan in peace.

Everyone then gets to work on their weapons as Nancy sets up several bottles for target practice.

"Okay, stand here," she points next to herself, across from the bottles.

"Standing," Sam gets into place, nervously eyeing the targets.

"Don't be nervous. It's easier than it looks," Nancy assures, handing her the gun. "Point and shoot."

Sam then takes a deep breath, shakily pointing the gun up towards the bottles, before Nancy stops her.

"It helps to think about something that makes you angry. Just pretend you're shooting it down," she advises.

Sam then closes one eye, aiming the gun and shooting the bottle right in the middle, cracking it into tiny pieces.

"Holy shit," Sam breaks out into a grin, cheering to herself as Nancy does the same.

"It's like we're in the Twilight Zone," Dawn chuckles from her spot next to Eddie and Dustin.

"Tell me about it," the Munson boy agrees.

"Okay, try again," Nancy guides her to the next target.

With slightly less hesitation, Sam hits it on the first try, doing the same for the rest.

"I think you're all set," Nancy smiles.

"Yeah," Sam glances at the broken glass before turning back to the brunette. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Nancy shares a warm smile with her. "Seems like you're a natural."

"Might be the six years of archery. Kind of makes aiming easier."

"You can use a bow and arrow?"

"You can shoot a shotgun," Sam retorts with a laugh.

"Touche," Nancy chuckles before sighing. "This might be crazy, but in all that time we wasted hating each other, we probably could've been great friends."

"Can't believe I'm agreeing, but yeah," Sam nods. "Yeah, we would've."

A silence passes over them, not awkward or full of animosity like usual, but contemplative instead.

Sam breaks it, throwing Nancy a bone. "Lucky for you, I don't hold grudges. Truce?"

"Truce," Nancy shakes her hand, before walking back towards Max and preparing the shotgun for battle.

"Flores," Eddie approaches her, earning a look of concern.

"Munson?" she furrows her eyebrows.

"I would like to formally apologize, milady."

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