Chapter 17 New Kahn

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13 Years Later...

D'Vorah, Kotal, and Reptile were discussing how Mileena is leading Outworld into destruction.

D'Vorah: Like others, This One is not pleased with Mileena as Kahnum. But it is not clear your coup will succeed.

Kotal: That is why I invited our Zaterran friend.

Reptile: Listen and join us. I know things about Mileena. Her troubled rule will fall in the telling - and pave the way for Ko'atal.

D'Vorah: What would you know that would cause--

The doors to the apartment are forced open. The three turn to face eight Tarkatans who quickly surround them. Mileena walks in a moment later, flanked by both Ermac and the general of the Tarkatans, Baraka.

Mileena: Ah, there they are. Three of your fellow councilors, whispering like handmaidens. About what, I wonder?

Kotal: If only you would hear our counsel. As war with NetherRealm looms, I have urged detente with Earthrealm.

Mileena: And I'VE told you I would sooner die than treat with my father's and Y/N's murderers!

Kotal: You refuse practical solutions to credible threats. You endanger the realm.

Mileena: And sedition does not? Speak your last, before I have your tongue.

Reptile growls and steps forward, pointing an accusing finger at her.

Reptile: You are not Shao Kahn's true heir! She is a construct; formed in Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits. I saw this. Your best claim to the throne is moot.

Mileena: How dare you! I succeed Shao Kahn by his decree!

Kotal: Succeed him you have. But Outworld demands new leadership.

Mileena: From you? Osh-Tekk fool! Kill him!

Baraka obediently lunges forward, but his attempted stab is blocked by D'Vorah.

D'Vorah: This One serves Mileena no longer!

She punches Baraka across the face. The Tarkatans spring to attack, but Ko'atal and Reptile have little trouble fending them off.

Mileena: You will defend your Empress!

Ermac: Our creator, Shao Kahn, is dead. We will serve whom we choose.

Mileena is angry and Ermac attacks, but she is blocking his strikes as best as she can. A Tarkatan lunges at Kotal with a flying kick, but the Osh-Tekk grabs his leg and slams him into the floor. Reptile kicks another mutant in the stomach and knees him in the face, before ducking a blade swipe from a third who's leapt up on one of the stools. He throws a kick that misses but forces the Tarkatan to leap off. D'Vorah has now extended her spider-like limbs to kombat Baraka. She parries his blade swipes, pushes him back with the limbs and charges forward, tackling him off the balcony of the apartment. As they fall, D'Vorah opens up her wings and flies into the air, while Baraka crashes hard onto the marketplace below. Bystanders immediately scatter from the area. Baraka picks himself painfully off the ground while D'Vorah gracefully lands.

D'vorah: Still, you follow Mileena?

Baraka: Shao Kahn conquered my realm. I owe him my loyalty. I honor his will.

They fight. As vicious and deadly as Baraka is, he proves to be outmatched when facing D'Vorah, whose attack range and powers far outshine his. After a short but fierce battle, Baraka is left staggering on his feet, dazed and helpless. Kotal looked at her and give her permission to kill Baraka. D'Vorah extends two of her spider limbs and stabs Baraka through the face and chest, impaling his brain and heart on them both. She pulls her limbs back to her, takes the organs in both her regular hands and slams them together, destroying them in a shower of blood and gore. Baraka's corpse falls backward and remains as food for the flies, and D'Vorah extends her wings and flies back to her apartment. She arrives and Mileena is held by Ermac and Reptile.

Mileena: If Y/N was here-

D'Vorah: Y/N is dead. He died protecting Earthrealm and now Baraka is dead. You're the only one left.

Kotal: Take her away.

The Zaterran does as he is commanded. Ermac watches him and Mileena leave the apartment, and then turns to face Kotal and D'Vorah.

Ermac: We would serve the new ruler of Outworld.

D'Vorah: Then you serve... Kotal Kahn.

Kotal nods at her. Both she and Ermac kneel at Kotal's feet, and he looks satisfied at their fealty. 


Y/N is in the Jinsei trying to control his revenant form. Raiden is watching over him in case Dark Y/N takes control. Y/N is sleeping when he wakes up. He steps out of the Jinsei and he feels different. He finally got his revenant self under control. He thanked Raiden for his efforts, and he packs up all his clothes and he steps outside.

Raiden: What are you going to do now?

Y/N: Go back to Outworld and see Mileena... Raiden... about what happened fifteen years ago.

Raiden: You do not need to say anything. I can tell you regret your mistakes.

Y/N: I do, and I promise I will make up for it.

Raiden teleports him to Outworld and he looks around and sees how much stuff has changed... He's home. 

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