Chapter 35 Battle At Sea

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3rd POV:

Past Y/N was crying seeing his dead parents and we then saw a sandstorm. We saw Kronika... but Y/N did not come out. The sandstorm closed and Kronika was breathing heavily.

Kronika: Y/N is gone... Trapped.

Mileena: What!?

Kronika: Don't worry... When I reset time... He'll be free.

Kronika then teleported away since she was badly injured, and we all got ready to stop Kronika. We all sailed to Kronika's keep and Kharon was sailing Raiden, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, and BF/N. while on the other ships there were the two Kung Lao's, the two Liu Kang's, the Shaolin warriors, on another one there was Mileena, Cole, Kotal, past Mileena, past Y/N, the two Jades, the two Kitana's and there was a special forces ship as long as the young special forces, the two Sonya's, two Johnny Cages. They then see Kronika's ships.

Kharon: My ferries cannot fight a war.

Raiden: This fleet is under my protection.

Kharon nods in agreement as Raiden turns to address the others.

Raiden: If Kharon falls, our fleet cannot sail. Protect him at all costs.

Back on the battleship, Frost looks to her army.

Frost: Ramming speed!

The gigantic battleship begins to gain further momentum, now coming within sailing distance of Kharon's flagship. It veers toward the flagship's starboard, prompting Kharon to swing the boat's wheel hard to port. He does so just in time, as the battleship grinds against the starboard side of his boat but fails to shear it. The Special Forces' ship also grinds against the battleship on its port side, staggering everyone on board, but the boat remains intact. Back on Kharon's ship, Raiden helps Sub-Zero up to his feet, but a loud sound from above catches their attention. Dozens of Cyber Lin Kuei leap from the battleship onto the boat, and battle is immediately joined. Raiden blocks a flying kick from a cyborg and parries the strike of another, disabling it with a lightning enhanced kick. He strikes another and kicks it aside, before blocking a third cyborg's strike and disabling it with a flying knee. Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Noob Saibot throw a pair of cyborgs to the floorboards and Sub-Zero kicks away another while fending off a third, also disabling it with a roundhouse kick. At the same time, Scorpion disables the cyborg he threw with a punch to the face and catches the leg of another, disabling it by stabbing it with his kunai. Sub-Zero blocks an attempted strike from another cyborg, dropping it with a disabling face punch. He turns to block a cyborg's punch, catching a second strike and taking it out of commission with a kick to the neck. He follows through with a forearm chop to the same location for good measure. Yet another cyborg attempts to kick him, but Sub-Zero blocks the strike, parries two punches and shoots an ice blast to the cyborg's thigh. With the cyborg immobilized, Scorpion rushes it from behind and plunges his hand into its back, tearing out the cyborg's spine. He uses the head-and-spine as a makeshift club, battering another three cyborgs across the face with it. The two Mileena's, Past Y/n and Cole are fighting together to destroy the cyborgs while four more cyborgs approach Raiden, but he charges his hands and disables them all with a barrage of lightning. He then ducks, narrowly avoiding a fireball that explodes behind him. He faces down the one who threw it... the elder Jackson Briggs. As from before, Jax is torn up with sorrow, but that only drives him onward.

Jax: I don't want to fight, but I've got to! For Jacqui's sake and mine!

Jax's upgrades prove to be a challenge for even the Thunder God - albeit because Raiden is holding back his true strength. As a result, the fight lasts longer than one might expect, but just like before, Jax's inner conflict means he cannot sustain his assault and soon Raiden manages to defeat him.

Raiden: Let me help you. Kronika's promises to you are a cruel deception. She is the mother of Shinnok, the architect of your revenant enslavement.

Jax: But... no. She's Cetrion's mother.

Raiden: Cetrion is Shinnok's sister. In Kronika's New Era, Shinnok will be the darkness to balance Cetrion's light.

Jax: ...Which'll only happen if the realms keep on fighting each other.

Raiden offers his hand. Jax takes it and stands to his feet. He looks to Scorpion and Sub-Zero, still fighting off the Cyber Lin Kuei.

Jax: What have I done? I'm a fool.

Raiden: It is not foolish to fight for your family's betterment.

Jax: I'm sorry, Raiden. I promise to make this right.

With that, he leaps up into the air, coming down fist-first onto a cyborg and knocking it for a loop with a ferocious clothesline. He then kicks another cyborg in the side, punches it in the stomach and hits a forearm hammer to its back, knocking it down. He stops another cyborg's punch and punches it in the sternum, before slamming it to the floor. He punches it in the face to make sure it's disabled, then walks over and backhands another cyborg out of his way. While Jax rampages through the Cyber Lin Kuei, another figure leaps from the battleship to face down Raiden - Geras. The Thunder God immediately flies toward him with his Electric Fly attack, but Geras grabs him by the throat in mid-flight, punches him in the face and throws him back the way he came, causing Raiden to smash hard into the ship mast. He regains his feet as Geras comes forward.

Geras: I have died a thousand deaths to prepare for this battle. My defeat is impossible. Yours, inevitable.

Try as he might, not even Raiden can stop Geras. Every time he is blasted or knocked down; the construct rises again. But in turn, Geras is unable to penetrate Raiden's defenses, and after a long battle, the Thunder God manages to floor Geras for a moment with a concentrated attack.

Raiden: I will suffer you no more.

As Geras rises again, Raiden aims a lightning bolt above Geras' head, striking a nearby link of chains. The chains come down directly on Geras, pinning and immobilizing him. Raiden then shoots a lightning bolt at the object the chains are connected to - the ship's anchor. It falls into the sea, the chains following rapidly after it. Unable to move, Geras realizes he too will be dragged down, but he remains defiant.

Geras: Drowning cannot kill me, Raiden.

Raiden: That is unfortunate for you. The Sea of Blood is bottomless. You will fall forever.

Finally, the last of the chains falls from the side of the ship, dragging Geras with them. He only has time for one last shout of rage before he plunges into the depths of the sea. We see his face one more time as he falls into the blood-filled abyss... and the rage has turned into despair. Raiden pauses with grim satisfaction for a moment, before a loud cry catches his attention. Frost jumps from the battleship and lands on the deck, facing him down.

Frost: Now do I have your attention, Raiden? The warriors sinking your fleet are under my command.

Raiden: You have a devil's bargain with Kronika, Frost.

Frost: You ignored me my entire life. Kronika saw my talent from the start.

Even with her cybernetic upgrades giving her power to even surpass her mentor Sub-Zero, Frost still remains no match for the God of Thunder. Her reckless assaults are turned aside by Raiden and countered effortlessly, and soon enough Frost is on the ground and unconscious at his hands.

Raiden: Envy and ambition consume you.

Sub-Zero approaches, looking upset at the sight of his wayward pupil.

Sub-Zero: Such wasted potential.

Raiden: The good she could have done, in command of these Cyber Lin Kuei.

Sub-Zero: She commands them? Not Sektor? If so, she is linked to them. They follow her thoughts.

Raiden: Then let them follow her to defeat.

He charges up his hands, puts them against her head and let's loose with a burst of electric current. The effects are not visible, but there is little doubt that the trauma is fatal. Across the ship, the elder Jax is now being restrained by three cyborgs, who all immediately stop functioning and fall to the deck, as dead as their commander. Jax looks around him, taking in the sight of dozens of dead Cyber Lin Kuei strewn about all over the ship deck.

Jax: Candy ass bitch.

Eventually all the ships make it to the shore, and they are ready to fight Kronika... 

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