Chapter 22 End Of All Things Mortal

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I dropped to my knees, and I looked up and saw my revenant self. He was smiling and he looked at me.

Dark Y/N: Hello again~

I got up and I looked at myself and saw what I had become.

"Go stop Shinnok... I need to give myself an ass whooping."

Mileena: Y/N-

I cut her off with a kiss and I walked towards my revenant self.

Dark Y/N: Mom and Dad would be disappointed at what you've become. They expected more from you!

"I made my own path. You can too. You don't need to follow in our parent's footsteps."

Dark Y/N rushed at me, and he tackled me, but I pulled him off and threw him into a tree and started to punch him over and over until he grabbed my hand and threw me off of him. I got up and pulled out my blood red sword and he did the same. I ran at him clashing with each other and we both started to swing our swords at each other trying to kill one another. I knocked his sword out of his hand, and he shot a fireball which I blocked with my sword, and I let out a beam and it hit Dark Y/N and I teleported towards him, and I tried to stab him, but he was holding the sword back. He kicked me and threw me into the snow.

Dark Y/N: Go on. Cry home to daddy... Oh that's right. You don't have parents! ~

I got up and tackled him into the snow and started to punch him. He kicked me off and we both got up and we ran at each other...


We were all running towards the sky temple and Mileena was worried about Y/N and we were stopped by Quan Chi.

"Quan Chi step aside!"

Hanzo got in front but before we could do anything we heard screaming and we looked and saw the Lin Kuei. The warriors charged into battle without hesitation, forcing Quan Chi to retreat.

Sub-Zero: Me and Hanzo will stay behind, and fight Quan Chi. Proceed to the Sky Temple. Earthrealm's fate lies with you.

We along with the Lin Kuei all started to run towards the sky temple ready to fight Shinnok. We got to the sky temple, and we rushed in and fought D'Vorah, Liu Kang, Kitana and Sindel. D'Vorah were killing the Lin Kuei while the revenant was killing the special forces and Shirai-Ryu ninjas. We all worked together to take down the revenants, but we saw Kung Lao, Smoke, Kabal, and Stryker coming in to fight.


I was thrown into a tree, and I got up and saw Dark Y/N walking towards me. I got up and he laughed.

Dark Y/N: I just realized something. Once you're gone, Mileena will be all mine! ~

"She will not!"

I kicked him and I tackled him into the ground, and he punched me off. I got up and Superman punched him. I then grabbed him by the collar and threw him into a tree. I then hit him into it, breaking the tree. He got up and saw his sword and grabbed it and he used the sword to let out a beam, but I moved, and it hit a tree. I then grabbed my sword and teleported around him hitting him. He then grabbed me and chokeslam me. He picked me up and threw me in the snow. I looked up and saw my revenant self-pull out his blood sword and I grabbed it, and I used my knee to break it in half and throw it on the ground. He then ran at me, and we blocked each other's attacks until I picked him up and threw him. I ran at him, and he broke off a branch and hit me with it. I got up and used a tree branch to kick him over and over until I knocked him to the ground. He got up but I kicked him in the face knocking him out. Dark Y/N then turns into a yellow-white mist going into him.

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