Chapter 21 An Old Foe

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3rd POV:

Raiden was in the Jinsei and was closing his eyes remembering a memory of Liu Kang and Kung Lao and he opens his eyes and sees Bo'Rai Cho getting dragged away.

Raiden: Bo'Rai Cho!

In the courtyard, Bo'Rai Cho is thrown to the ground and blasted by the magic from Shinnok's Amulet, causing him to cry out in agony. Raiden runs out into the courtyard, and soon finds himself surrounded by Quan Chi and the revenants Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, Sindel and Smoke.

Shinnok: Yet another of your allies falls to me. When he dies, I will claim his soul.

Raiden: You know not his power. His soul cannot be subjugated.

Quan Chi: Any one's soul can be subjugated.

Shinnok and D'Vorah walk into the temple, D'Vorah dragging Cage along for the ride.

Liu Kang: Shall we kill him, Lord Shinnok?

Shinnok turns around to his minions, smiling at this question.

Shinnok: Not yet. He will bear witness as I conquer his realm. Then I will imprison him as he did me.

He turns back toward the temple and walks in.

Raiden: I would not boast of victory prematurely.

Shinnok: I have already won, Raiden.


Y/N and everyone else were at the special forces base trying to figure out how to stop Shinnok.

Y/N: There's only one way. We all must join forces to defeat Shinnok.

Sonya: And why would we ally ourselves with Outworld?

Y/N turns towards Sonya and looks at her.

Y/N: Really? Now?

Sonya: Yes now.

Y/N: Why would I kill myself, become a revenant and spend nearly fourteen years in Raiden's Jensei to betray you?

Sonya: You worked for Shao Kahn.

Y/N: Keyword "Worked". I've been trying to redeem myself ever since.

Kotal: Y/N is a changed man Ms. Blade. He fought for the throne of Outworld and gave it to Mileena.

BF/N: It's true. He has changed.

Y/N: Look how about this. Once we defeat Shinnok... I'll go and you will NEVER see me again.

BF/N: Y/N-

Sonya: Alright.

Y/N: Mileena opens a portal to Raiden's sky temple.

Mileena opens a portal and Y/N, Mileena, BF/N, Sonya, Johnny, Kenshi, Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda, Kung Jin, Hanzo, Ermac, Reptile, Ferra/Tor, Erron Black, Kotal, The Shirai-Ryu ninjas and Outworld army walked through the portal, and they arrive in a forest near the temple.

Y/N: I remember this part of the woods. It's this way...

Y/N then felt weird, and he started to scream.

Mileena: Y/N!

Mileena went to Y/N, but he started to back up and he felt like something was trying to crawl up inside of him.

A Few Minutes Earlier...

Raiden just defeated the revenants, and he went to the Jinsei and saw Shinnok, D'Vorah and Quan Chi.

Raiden: You will not defile the Jinsei, Shinnok!

As Raiden approaches, Shinnok nonchalently raises his hand. A skeletal palm is summoned and it grasps Raiden firmly, knocking his hat from his head and crushing his bones. Raiden screams in agony, and those screams are only amplified as Shinnok clenches his fist, causing the skeletal hand to crush Raiden further, flowing with the dark energies of Shinnok as it does so. Each time the grip hardens, the magicks scorch Raiden's body, blackening his clothing and skin.

Shinnok: We have battled for eons, Raiden. Now finally, it ends.

Shinnok fully floats into the Jinsei. He spends a few moments absorbing it's essence before roaring out loud, changing it's colour from blue to fully red. The red cloud of corrupted Jinsei bursts through the roof of the Sky Temple, reaching out to the clouds above and corrupting them with their blood red hue. Inside the corrupted Jinsei, Shinnok breaths it in, slowly turning into another being before the awed eyes of Quan Chi and D'Vorah. His voice deepens and his laughter turns more demonic. His face swells into that of a hellish skull with horns where his ears should be, no visible nose save a point of light, and that same white light enimates from his eyes and throat. His hands sport three enlarged claws instead of five fingers, his skin tone changes from porcelain white to charcoaled grey, and yellow scars of light adorn his now muscled form, the biggest going vertically down the center of his chest to where his amulet resides - in his abdomen. He has now become as corrupted as the Jinsei.

Corrupt Shinnok: Yes... Tremble before me, Elder Gods, as I absorb Earthrealm's power.


Y/N was screaming and the sky in the forest was consumed by blood red clouds.

Kotal: The heavens boil... Earthrealm is lost!

Johnny: Guys... Why does it look like a chestburster is about to come out of Y/N?

That's when a person who has a black outfit with long pants with a hoodie with a black mask over my mouth and nose as well as kneel-high black boots with red highlights. His skin is pale, and his veins glowed yellow along with his eyes. It's Dark Y/N. He has returned...

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