In the beginning

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"Father look I'm doing it! "

"Slow down my 'evi , your mother will skin you alive if you swim too far with me." A young adult Navi says while he watched his daughter swim laps around him never growing tired of the water, his dark blue skin seemed to soak in all of the sunlight keeping him warm even in the cool water.

"But father!  Mother and our Tsahik say that I'm the best swimmer of all of the children! They say soon I can form a bond of my own with the soul of a Tulkun!" The little girl says as she swims back to her father happily he raises his eyebrows  and held out his hands for his daughter to take once she finished her final lap in the water.

"Y/N! Mawey! Come it is time for dinner" A soft yet stern female voice said from the shore and Y/n swan back to her father. He smiled as his child climbed into his arms being picked up out of the water. Her father walks back to shore hugging the lighter blue skinned Navi. The woman's eyes flickered at her husband then to her daughter seeing a loose strand of seaweed in her hair.

Raising her hand she takes it out throwing it back into the ocean for the waves to return it from where it came. The couple managed to make it home just as eclipse came both of them preparing their daughter for dinner and bed.

As the small family are together Y/n's tail would flick randomly at the taste of her mothers cooking it was filled with much flavor and love as usual. A few minutes went by of eating and y/n suddenly jumped at the sound of her father burping.

A loud smack  followed after as her mothers hand made contact with his back prompting a grunt followed by her hissing slightly. "Ow! Niri'te I didn't mean too " her father laughed slightly as her mother scooted away disgusted at the wet burp. "Ma Mawey, you know how I feel of that it reminds me of those times when we first met"

Y/n's ears perked up at the mention of her parents origins, she knew that she was both from the forest and ocean clans, never belonging to just one but to both. "Sa'nok please tell me how you and my father met" The young girls eyes glistened with curiosity as her mother cleared her throat her piercing blue eyes staring into her daughters as she flicked her hair behind her shoulders.

"As soon as your done eating we will tell you, and I will show you a memory of us when we were a few years younger"

Bedtime had now approached and Young y/n was now laying down in her Small hammock  the sounds of the Ocean calming the child as the Aesthetic woes of Pandora wowed her for the thousandth time in her Short life.

"My child, As you know me and your father come from different clans, Me from the ocean and he from the forest."  Niri'te says softly as her daughters eyes were half open listening and watching her mothers hand movements, She spoke and talked with her hands as a way for y'/n to learn even during bedtime.

"Your father wasn't complete Navi and has demon blood as they say, but I always saw straight through others as  it is my gift from Eywa. When eywa gives you a sign child be sure to listen to it do not question her she is our great mother she gives us temporary life and everything we borrow we must give back" the little girls head raised slightly at this information and she nodded her head laying it back down as her mother continued the story, she was a fantastic story teller and would drag it out a bit so It would last longer.

The girl started at her left hand wiggling all five of her fingers, a trait she gets from her father. "The people  never claim your father as their own no matter how hard he tries,  but it's obvious he loves us all along with our culture and will protect those within it as if he's been here his whole life." Niri'te says smiling softly at the thought of her husband .

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