Chapter 22 Getting caught

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!!Please enjoy the double update! Considering this will be one of the final updates I decided why not!!

As time went on Neteyam and Y/n Have found living with the forest more Approachable and less demanding than the Oceans, They deemed it safer for their daughter for now at least. "So we stay a few years here, then go back a few years right?"  Neteyam says looking over at his wife while he held their sleeping child in his arms rubbing small circles into her back. 

"Yes, that is the plan unless you wish to change it?" Y/n says looking up at her husband, Her eyes were nearly sparkling in Neteyams eyes, Maybe because she was happy to get a change of scenery? He wasn't one hundred percent sure. "No, I don't I was just asking."

Neteyam goes to lay his daughter down in the small tent where they have set up in the home tree. A place a few others beside the small family have called their home. "So my Tiyawn" Neteyam begins to speak looking at y/n as she Began to make lunch for the family, a rare occasion now that she does most of the hunting while Neteyam stays home to care for their daughter.

"What is it my Teyam? You only call me that when you need or want something" She says as she  slices the animal meat away from the pelt, being careful to not damage it as she was saving it to give her daughter a blanket or a new fur coat for the winter that would be coming, Sometimes it would not be needed but with pandora the weather could be predictable if The Tsahik and Her helpers weren't concerned or warned about it from Eywa, which was rare.

Y/n doesn't hear Neteyam speak for a few seconds so she sets her favorite knife down to get up but is held in place by her lover and he chuckles in her ear lovingly kissing the back of her neck after sweeping her hair to the side. "When are we going to give our daughter a sibling...She needs to have a little brother or sister."

Y/n becomes flustered and she uses her hand that isn't bloody to Flick her index finger on neteyams head making him recoil back at the small infliction of pain bestowed upon him. "I'm not having another child, the first one had me livid, it's an experience I would not recommend, I'm unsure how my aunt and your mother have went through it that many times."

"This is your dad? He was so...."Y/n was staring at a hologram of Jake sully as a human and her face indeed showed confusion while looking at the computers in the abandoned Building. "Pale? I know, He was frail and tiny too, He says he couldn't walk and there were videos to prove it"

The couple both were having a date night and they had somehow made it to where it all began for Jake and Neytiri. Y/n was always curious on the sky people and how they lived on pandora, but after what spider did saving his father and all she couldn't forgive him.

"Yeah...anyways... " She lets out a call for her Ikran that she Claimed the year before as she walked out of the building and She waits for a few moments while Neteyam calls for his as well, both Ikrans land next to each other. "Shhh, quiet syulang"(flower)

Neteyam mounts onto his Ikran and y/n does the same, It was date night for them, a night away from their child and a night away from their responsibilities. Neteyam was still treated like royalty since his mother was the 'princess'. Of course he didn't want to be treated as such and neither did y/n but their daughter? They decided she should indeed be raised as such with the clan since she was still the Tsahik's granddaughter and she would be 4th in line to the Tsahik's duties unless she wanted to state otherwise in her adult age.

"Come on My teyam! " y/n laughs going into the air and Neteyam follows suit trying to catch up to her, they always flew out for date nights since it was a way for them to feel free with no attachments to the ground.

"Hell yeah!" Neteyam shouts out in English and y/n looks back at him with wide eyes landing on a tree and she laughs repeating what he said in English also." Hell yeah" They both had flown around for another few hours before calling it a night.

They had become one once again and were indeed taking their time slow as they usually did and once they were done, they laid on a very comfortable spot of grass looking up at the sky, y/n's eyes remained on all of the stars looking at each and every one of them. Neteyam was doing this also but had indeed closed his eyes to rest them for a bit, he was tired and so was y/n, But neither wanted to sleep since they both knew when they woke up the night would be gone, and it would be replaced by the day with their duties right back on their shoulders pressuring them each and everyday until they were done.


"Mom! Dad!" Y/n turns away from her daughters voice groaning and she pushes Neteyam a bit trying to wake him up but he too turns away trying to sleep in a bit more, their daughter was 8 now and wanted to go out with her friends to have fun outside of the Village as they usually did.

"Pleaseeee can I go!" Ney'ite says and she crawls on top of her parents wanting to be annoying, it was the only way she could go out that far is when they were sleeping and she knew it.

Neteyam raises up a bit looking back at his daughter, His eyes began to close again and he nods his head yawning."yes, but do not go anywhere close to the sky people's place, you do so and you'll be grounded."

"Yes! Thank you!" She goes over y/n being careful to not step on her and she gives Neteyam a kiss on his cheek running out of the hut, the man lays back down with y/n taking this time to sleep in for a few more minutes since without a doubt his grandmother would wake him up again, so that he may get his duties done for the day. Y/n wouldn't have to do anything since she had previously done hers a few hours ago right before the sun came up, it was her taking advantage to sleep in most of the day which Neteyam wishes he would've done.

"Ney'ite where are you?" Y/n's voice rang out on the comms device in her daughters ear, they had trained her to use it when she goes out far and The child would always answer back. "I'm...Mom I'm by the lab...where Grandpas old fight happened, I'm scared" Y/n was walking through the forestwith Neteyam behind her and both of the parents looked at each other before looking straight ahead at the vast Land in front of them, Y/n's heart was pounding in her chest feeling as though something bad would happen, the forest was way too big, Bigger than the Metkayina Home she grew in.

"You need to stay still and do not move you hear?" Neteyam's voice was all his daughter could hear and she nodded looking back at her friends. "Yes sir"

"See we told you, She's a daddy's girl and he'll save the day whenever" One of the boys she was with says in a mocking tone and Ney'ite frowns looking up at the older male. "It's all fun and games until he kicks your butt" She hisses back to him and it's then they hear a clicking noise behind their heads and Ney'ite Looks back slowly seeing a gun pointed at her.

"Sir, there are four children here..."

"Bring them to the clearing!!"

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