Chapter 12 Seeing you

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Tuk comes forward examining Y/n taking in the girl's features again, She stared at her eyes loving the way they Glinted in the sunlight, Kiri puts a hand on Tuk's head pulling her backward to give y/n some space. "Hey watch it let her breathe." kiri says and Tuk backs up a bit looking at the woman in front of her. She hadn't said much since she had woken up, she just stared out of the window towards the ocean while she now sat in a chair.

"Where's Neteyam?... Is he alive?" Y/n says softly licking her lips, she prepared for the worst news but it never came, kiri smiles softly nodding her head. "Yes, He survived, They thought you were goners but YourBody slowed down the Trajectory of the bullet and somehow it lodged itself into Neteyam...You're both healing beautifully according to norm." Y/n's heart seemed to jump with joy at the news, She looks back out of the window trying to cope with the time she had lost and to cope with her dream, Time seemed to pass by quickly while she was sleeping but it seemed to only be slow for her.

"Come on guys I need you to leave so that I can take blood-" Norm comes into the room with spider in tow but they drop the trays they are holding in shock, Spider runs up to y/n to check her out but she yanks her arm away from him to stay away wanting her distance. "Don't just touch...Ask and  have some respect."

Spider lifts his hands backing away a few steps. "When did you wake up?" Norm comes close pulling off the medical bag hanging from his back and y/n raises an eyebrow looking at him and scooting away from him. Kiri sees that y/n isn't very trusting of him so she holds a hand up to norm, the gesture being a signal to give her a few seconds.  "Y/n this is norm, He's helped all of us heal and has been taking care of you this whole time, he needs to check your vitals to make sure you're alright."

She slowly puts her hand down and norm approaches y/n carefully, he gets onto his knees Using a stethoscope to listen to her heartbeat followed by the functions of her lungs. "Someone needs to go tell Ronal and Tonowari that she's awake," Kiri says and Tuk stands up looking at her sister.

"Fine, I will go tell them. Spider go tell mom and dad...And don't tell them so quickly, ease into it since Neteyam is there."Tuk says and she goes off splitting ways with spider as they both notify the respective families of Y/n's Status."


"Let me get a look at you, You look like a ghost" Ronal says cupping y/n's face in her hands, her blue eyes were boring into y/n's capturing every movement they made, she didn't want to blink afraid this was all a cruel joke being played on her.

Tonowari touched his wife's arm letting her know that he now wanted a turn in Welcoming his niece back happy that she was safe and sound due to Eywa's careful and very much loving watch on her as she slept in her coma. "How do you feel?" His voice came out rough, He was sick with a common cold but he didn't want to risk missing his niece for a second. "Very tired..." He continues having small talk with her until she yawns looking up at them all sleepily, She is laid back by Tonowari himself as he urges her to get more rest and that they would talk later, He wanted to know what she dreamt about and what she felt like but that would have to wait.

He gets up onto his feet and he exited the hut with Ronal after y/n fell asleep when they exit they see Neteyam being wheeled over by Jake who seemed tired of pushing his son across the village, he doesn't know why norm gave his son a wheelchair considering they were on an island covered in sand and a bouncy walkway to every hut but he was alright with it." You just missed her, She just fell asleep" Tonowari says and he grabs Ronal's hand gently taking her away so that they could go home to their baby and adult children to relieve them for the night.

Neteyam is taken inside where y/n is now resting on her side, everyone but norm had left at this rate since he was still finishing up his cleanup with the medical supplies, he had decided y/n did not need them anymore due to her functioning just fine without them. "Norm how is she?" Jake's voice rings out and his friend stands up closing a case.

"She's fine, She is still walking and talking as if nothing happened to her, But her voice is kind of scratchy, the result of not talking for a while and her Walk needs to be perfected a bit but other than that she should be okay," Norm says and he packs his cases exiting the hut, Neteyam looks at his father asking to be left alone for the night and he did as he was told leaving his son's hut respectfully. Neteyam gets down out of the wheelchair and lays in bed next to y/n not minding that the only light illuminating the hut was now dimming from a candle his mother made."I missed you..."

He mumbled to y/n wrapping an arm around her waist careful to not wake her up, She needed the rest and he honestly did not want to disturb her, and He would stay up for another hour before he too fell victim to his sleep.


Morning came and y/n sits up in bed slowly making sure to not hurt herself in any way,  She crawls off of the floor that she slept on and she stretches her body before going to do her morning business, making sure to not be loud in case her neighbors were asleep.

After some time she leaves the hut only taking fruit with her, she hadn't been hungry since she woke up so minor things like fruit filled her appetite. 'Mmm...I miss Neteyam'. Her mind wanders off to him and she sighs going to the beachfront to take a seat with a blanket covering her tall figure, the ocean breeze was chilling against her warm body, and even though most times she did not mind this time was different.

She sat on the beachfront for what seemed like forever before she heard a familiar voice call out to her, Her heart seemed to swell with happiness hearing this voice and she jumps up quickly to find the source. "My Tiyawn!!" She whips her head to the right seeing Neteyam descending onto the sand after riding his Ikran, Tuk was also riding her own but didn't descend to give the couple privacy, once Neteyam makes it off safely she flies off in the other direction probably to go find her friends.

Y/n Drops the blanket walking to Neteyam and she starts to smile and soon she laughs breaking off into a full-on sprint and running fast to her lover. Neteyam does the same but he slows down to prepare for the hug she was going to give him. He had just seen her and cuddled her all night long before waking up 2 hours ago to go with Tuk so that she could fly.  "My Teyam!" She shouts out happily as her body collided with his and they both fall onto the sand laughing and Neteyam stops laughing looking at his lover, his smile dies down into a smirk as hers does the same.

His heart felt like it skipped a beat, maybe because he wasn't supposed to be running or maybe because of y/n And her beauty. "I've missed you."  He says softly cupping y/n's face with his left hand while his right stayed on her waist. "I've missed you the same... If not more." She mumbled leaning closer to his face and looking at his lips, Neteyam notices what she wanted and he immediately closes the space between them by sitting up to kiss her passionately. For the both of them, it felt like they hadn't seen each other in years, as if they were separated for a long while.

"Are you two done swapping spit?" Lo'ak's voice was heard behind them and they both sat up to stare at him upset that he ruined the mood, If looks could kill he would maybe be dead twenty times over.

"Way to ruin the mood idiot."

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