Chapter 4 talking after eclipse.

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Sunset had finally come and the people of the village seemed to calm down, less of a buzz was being made and Everyone was finally eating dinner in their respective homes. "," Tuk exclaims as she eats her mother's cooking. Her father sat next to her and he chuckles watching his family eat together, He pulls out a camera that he had borrowed from Norm and he snaps a quick photo neytiri rubs her eyes blinking a few times as she grabs a stick to hit him with. "Ma jake! Come eat you are acting like a baby."

The man grunts letting out a chuckle as he rubs his thigh, he sits next to his wife and daughter eating and the group tells stories of their day entertaining one another. Their family meeting had gone well and they were all just conversations and living in the moment where they belonged, in This moment they weren't living in the past, they were for now living in the present and the future for a better tomorrow like always.

Kiri gets up after she had finished eating thanking Neytiri for making the meal, and she goes outside to the docks and takes a seat, her feet resting in the water. Her feet sway back in forth making ripples in the water as she watches the nightlife within the water move around her unfazed by Her movements.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" Jake comes to Kiri taking a seat next to her as he places a hand on her shoulder, The crickets in the background were calming her nerves and she takes a deep breath before alerting." I can still feel her...after all of these years dad"

Jake looks at kiri confused and he clears hood throat trying to find the right words " You can...Eywa?" He jumbled his words unsure of what to say but he clears hood throat again letting his daughter speak. "The fight with the boys earlier? It wouldn't have happened if they didn't see me with y/n... I was doing that thing again listening to her heartbeat while y/n was sleeping next to me, they saw it most likely and they hurt y/n because of it, Lo'ak had even gotten involved."

Jake pondered on his thoughts for a moment before coming to a conclusion." It's not your fault they were jerks Kiri and y/n? The girl was strong she dislocated that idiot's jaw, And your brother is fine we've raised him to defend what's right and what's wrong he did a great job " Jake rubs his daughter's back comforting her and he puts a hand on his knee getting back up."Now come on I think your mom needs help with some things for tomorrow and I think you are the perfect person for it."

Later on, that evening y/n was out in the shallow end of the ocean laying on her back and floating in the water looking up at the stars, It was an unhealthy habit of hers to come out here alone for a swim at night but it wouldn't be the first time. Her hair was floating in all directions with half of it above water while the other half was underneath. The girl whispers to herself taking in the breathtaking view "every night I'm talking to the moon..."

Y/n felt the water Rock her body slowly and softly as if it was eywa herself lulling her to sleep. The young woman closed her eyes falling asleep in the water, Her breaths were long, steady, and calm while her heartbeat slowed at a steady pace.

Neteyam had left his parent's home in the middle of the night, he would have to guess it was past midnight. His feet drag him to the beach and there he stood on the sand gazing at the moon as he puts his hair behind his ears, The sounds of Pandora Calms every nerve in his body as it has always done before. He looks down at the ocean seeing something floating and upon further inspection, he sees a body without a second thought he goes into the water to retrieve whatever it is his curiosity at its peak.

He sees that it's another person like himself and he freaks out pulling them close to his body and holding them in his arms, Their eyes open in an instant and both of the Navi scream at each other. Neteyam backs away in shock. "What the hell is wrong with you?" The voice screams and Neteyam then realizes that it's indeed the girl he had spent time with earlier in the day.

"Y/n?" The girl scoffs looking at Neteyam with her eyes boring into his. "No, my name is Lo'ak. Of course, it's y/n you idiot" She says giving him a sarcastic reply, her heartbeat racing as she looks up at him. Her big brown eyes stared into his own golden eyes, A gentle touch was placed on her shoulder and she looked over to see that it was Neteyam's hand.

"I did not mean to scare you Tiyawn" He says dismissing the sarcastic behavior and y/n looks him up and down before smirking at him. "Huh, When did I ever become your love?" Y/n says smirking and Neteyam averts his gaze making a fist as he covered his mouth to let out a fake cough. "Oh uh...It just slipped, I hope you won't mind" Neteyam says as he backs away from y/n but the girl takes a step towards him her smirk turning into a small smile instead her eyes Slanted the more she smiled.

"I don't mind at all...But when I give you a nickname you better enjoy it." She says walking around him in the water and Going back up to shore, Neteyam blinks in disbelief and quickly tries to catch up to y/n but when he did she was already halfway through the village and to her home. "Wait up" he whispered but loud enough to hear, he didn't want to wake any up that could've been sleeping, which was too late in his opinion since he had woken up y/n a few minutes prior.

(The next day, Somewhere in hell's gate)

"Okay, Kid don't disappoint me, If you run off I will find you due to a tracker in your mask and I will not hesitate to give you an old-style ass whipping." The older male says to his son who shrugs his shoulders looking away, He was unfazed by the threats but knew that they were true.

They both had gotten onto an ikran boarding a ship, And The older Navi looks down on the commanding man of the ship. "Are you the captain?" He says staring him down.

The captain nods his head with one eye open to block out the sunlight as he wears his mask. "Yes and I can assume you are the asshole that is taking control of my ship?" The human says and the Navi male nods standing back on one foot. "Yeah...That would be me.

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