~Love Is Your Name ~

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*warning contains strong erotic scenes beware of what underage is reading*


Sephora has gain twenty pounds since she left her home town. All those barbecue rib tips and she drank plenty of ice cold Pepsi. She got bloated. So now Michael is sending her to the jazzercise classes everyday til she gets back down to her regular 140 lbs. He loves that she is pleasingly plump. He loves handling all that fatty ass. Just she had a million dollar wardrobe he wants her to be happy. Here lately she has been looking sort of sad. Not being pregnant is no fun if you expecting for real. They both agreed that another baby was out of the question. Little Appolonia is just six months old and lil Mickey is just less than eleven months older than her. Than they have Sir Michael The Second and Treasure who is raising her nephew Dereron and Tuesday is raising La' Dawn. Sir Michael has a set of twins and he and his wife R'ria had another baby Ja'Michael. Paris got married and helps out with her nieces and nephews too. So Michael is not in any hurry to get back to The Gold Palace any time soon. Although he misses Mother KJ and Paw Paw Joe. They all miss Michael and Sephora as well. They had better not be letting those small heirs get too spoiled. Michael will return. While having a late snack to build their strength and stamina back up for another love session, Michael let's Sephora know he will go back to songwriting in the studio. Only to help the careers of four of his long time friends. Their parents asked him to help their not so famous offspring who can not sing a lick. Not to call any names but he said he would be happy too.

"Sephora, I do not want you to miss your jazzercise classes everyday while I am gone over to Nelly's to help his Teens. Than TI's girls OMG Girls need some help real bad. 5th Harmony needs help and one of the American Idols Raevon can use a mentor since he lost. "

"I won't miss my jazzercise classes honey. I want to get my waistline back. "

Sounds good I am still tee-off at you. You lost some money betting on International Star. Sometimes you have to go with the favorite."

Sephora "You go with the favorite all the time....me ...right...?"

"Yup" as he slipped a slice lemon in her mouth and made her pucker up

They had a sour kiss behind that one

"OK, Better quit before something pops off. It's still time to annoy the other tourist. Did you see the look that Maitre'D gave us when he brought up our trays?" "I was a little embarrassed too" Sephora admitted

"Embarrassed my foot. I expect my woman to let me know I am making it good to her" he winked and she winked back

"Jazzercise starts at 5:00 pm evenings and that chick name 'Kitchen' works us good"

"Kitchen? What sort of nickname is that?" Michael chuckled

"Guess what she calls me?" Sephora had another surprise

"What?" he could not wait to hear it

"Chicken" she bust out in loud laughter

"Chicken?" he bust out in tears of too much to take

"Well Kitchen and Chicken had better stay out of the Kitchen eating chicken" he looked cunning

"Hey honey that did not come out right"

"Hey you the one said the word...come" he looked at her grinning

"Let's get another quickie" he asked not anticipating a no for an answer

"I guess you want me to take knee bends from you huh?" she looked at Michael in a sexy way

They were kissing as he carried her to their indoor swimming pool right in their master bedroom. I have the loveliest beds to mess up every where they go on vacation. He loves rumpled sheets that's for sure. Back in action and a lot hotter. Somehow the woman's hot box just won't stop throbbin. And the man's shaft won't stop rising. This time no foreplay. He wants to thrust and hump and he already breakin and entering without being charged.

She is his accomplice

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