Michael Jackson Is My Husband

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*warning for mature audience ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!* 21+ do not read unless age appropriate *WARNINGS*

"Come mere Sweet Pea and make some sweet love to me right now" as MJ demanded of his beauty. She looks so splendid layin there after a long night of sessions. She was napping but he was admiring her pretty glams and stroking his member to almost his peak. Watching her turn over in her sleep. She heard his moans as he shot off a load and he went to catch his breath as he fell on to the soft white linens she wrestled with as she snore lightly. 

"Come mere Sweet Pea " as he moved her soft body close to his and she smelled of pink roses from the garden and their fabulous view from their master bedroom. He looked towards the aqua waters across from Neverland . A view he saw often in his imaginary world . He the King of Pop and his wife The Queen of Popular . 

"Come mere my darlin" as he straddled the sleeping beauty on top of him so he could take her as a smorgasbord and taste of her delicious Sunday toppings . He brought the nuts. 

Sweet Pea is having a wet dream and she is being watched by her private dancer before dawn. He watches as she makes hissing sounds as in her sleep she touches herself and with much passion. She let's out satisfying moans of longing for more as her dream warned her she would get more when she awakes. 

Her eyes pops open and there.....

"Come mere Sweet Pea " as she soon see she is already in her favorite position. On top of her King.

He begins to have his way with her . First wanting to taste of her flowing juices and she is in need indeed. He bites his bottom lip and that starts the eagerness to caress what is his for the taking.

"Take me lovah" she moans as he is leaving his passions marks all over her body from head to toe. Her neck has become perked with saliva and they have mixed their salivas as like in a love potion to be devour as like on their home menu of many spices. 

She has been so eager for him to find her wet entrance and he does but he teases. The moment to slowly creep and she is gaining much temptation to take over the lead role as he wants to toil with her emotions . 

"Take me now Lovah pleeze!!!!!" as he loves to hear her beg before he gets busy 

"Oh Imma get us into the groove" as she had him slide her pretty black silk satin edibles to one side to reveal her good good . She has her eyes closed as she awaits his warm turned to hot ouch between her hot box

This is the moment he is waiting for to get into a fighting attitude to make him give it up

"Take me now my King Oh my LAWNT!!! I am on fire as the hot fires burn my nukkie " she moans deeply and tears start to flow . Sweet Pea always cries a little during their sexcapades. She is shy yet a freak yet a willing participant of a legat sin to begin . He feels sorry for her and spreads her wet slits and he enters inch by inch as to not tear her . He has 12 inches and she usually can take seven only. 

Sweet Pea "I want it all !!!!!!" as she bites his ear and than the other one she nibbles away. 

The King gets her legs the way he wants them and THRUSTS!!!!!!!

"Awou" she lets him hear her because she can not help it If she wanted it too

"Yeah bae Yes woman Yea woman" as he speeds up some than his hips in rotation goes like the carousel out back a slow grind presses down and she has melted like wet flowing water falls the water runs deep and her tunnel of love has a visitor from deep down under. 

"Rock with me baby Sugar honey my Boo Bear" he whispers as they both intertwined and wrapped like two twisted pretzels . She giving him what he cries for. He giving her what she cries for .

Both not in this world of hate ...........

They here to share and to satisfy each other's needs 

"It's....It's ...It's.... "

It came "Awe darn

" it slipped from his lips for he never swears ever but......"DAMN!!!!!!" it slipped for real that time

They both slippery wet as the aqua waters that tries to rush in from the tide that is approaching and their master bedroom will be as soaked as they are. 

The King and Queen give a cunning view of her ocean that is flowing as well......

"I love you with my entire being" he whispered to Sweet Pea 

and she whispered "ssssshhhhh"

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