Dreaming Of Michael

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*warning warning for adult ONLY!!!!!!! Mature ratings for ages 21+ *

"Sweet Pea Sweet Pea Sweet Pea! wake up wake up. Our breakfast is being served. You need to feed that Gin and Juice" as he picked her up and carried her to their shower and turned on the hot steam. She was getting her refreshed revival from Michael. He kissed her a passionate kiss. They have had a romantic night. The sky has just a little hue of royal blue left. He wants to share it with Sweet Pea. His one true love. She is coming around from the smell of good soap and body wash. Her favorite scented candles are lit and the main house smells so delicious. She had a dream that her arch enemy had played a dirty trick on her. Being psychic she knew who it was. Had asked her to role play than turned her into the authorities? Bxxtch!

"Michael I had the strangest dream. That my arch enemy set me up "

"I know babe. I know all about it but you safe right here in my arms. I'm not going anywhere" as he made sure they would be good and clean for their romantic breakfast. 

"mhmmmm I smell waffles with whipped real butter. Bacon. I love bacon. Eggs sunny side up? Oh do I smell hash browns too? Yum Yum" she began to smile

"Don't worry about those authorities. I explained to them that you write Rated R and half your frienemies want to try you because you write it so erotic." he paused "It turns me on too you know?" he winked "wink! wink!"

"Michael, I was a little dazed but did the chef come in and sat down?" she was still groggy from drinking a quart of gin and juice all by herself? He drank a quart all by himself too? They lucky to be up to catch the sunrise...but not just yet

"Do you want a quickie before we go to breakfast?" He asked 

"Need you ask?" as the hot steam would surely help the flow of white liquid mix going down the drain in the middle of the shower floor

They began by kissing. First they swallowed some toothpaste and gurgled some mouth wash. They are in the shower. "mhmmm toothpaste taste good on your soft lips." he li*ckked some off

She looked out the shower stall window "Honey there is a car leaving?"

"Yeah, you fired Amir remember?"

"I did?"

"Yeah, remember the part in your dreams where you caught him on the phone with some crack pot doctor? Planning to drug me and staged that I faked my own death? When they the ones that faked my death....not me"

"Your fans think you did it"

"I know but I did not know my own bruh would get so jealous that I turned them down for a reality show that they would come after me like they did"

Was he right?

Sweet Pea" Just how did they do it?"

"It all started when a certain person ask me to do a comeback tour. I was staying in Las, Vegas at the time. I did not need money. They did.....anyway I told them NO!. To get away from them I went to London and I never spoke to them ever again"

"So since they could not find you....they created all the rest of this whole mess?"


"They went around killing all the MJ Impersonators just to try and get to me. 

"I thought that guy at The 02 conference walked like Elvis Presley" she rolled her eyes as she remembered that one for sure.

"So if you never left London than they will be sued for using your music right?"

"Yup, They being sued right this minute"

"Good" as she felt a lot better after being hung over

"Finish telling me in the courtyard. The lamp post is still on. It's so beautiful in Neverland when the sky is royal blue." as they lean against the shower wall and kissed and he just entered her right then and there. No need for fore*play. She opened too far already. 

"What about my back door darling?" she asked as he swung her around and there he did it inch by inch by inch. She was being pleased in a tight spot. "That's nice...real nice" she is loving him loving her

"Oh gawd darn" they both slide down the wet wall onto the slippery wet shower floor. Beautiful marble tile. As he slowly gained entrance to her tightness

After loosing up. He worked her over and she will remind him to go there again. ANYTIME!

They watched as their white secretions flowed down the drainage pipes and never to be seen again

They put on matching black terry cloth robes. Still going commando underneath and he held her warm hand as they took a walk to the lamp pole to watch it began to flicker under the blue sky.

Michael looked around

"The trick is they don't know about you Sweet Pea. My secret wife. If anything happens to me. Neverland is yours"

"Meanwhile, you will go with Live Nation" she winked  

"Anymore secrets?" she asked 

"Yes, let's go have breakfast and I'll tell you everything in brave detail" 

As they sat down to breakfast and fed each other waffles and chicken and homemade biscuits

"These homemade biscuits are huge" they both were in agreement

"Who is Marvin Jones Jr.?" she looked serious

"The son of Marvin Jones Sr." he winked 

"Sounds like somebody married in-laws into the FAMily" she was almost catching on

"Enjoy your breakfast Sweetheart" as he concerned she might figure it all out

"One last thing...she implied Do you still want to be buried right here at Neverland?"

"Like Germs said....there is a nice spot right over there" as he pointed 

"And remember somebody told the tabloids that they found MJ's body over there? And a MJ Impersonator had taken over his life?" she asked him

"Yeah, I remember that tabloid trash" as he took a bite from his eggs

"Well if that's true...you need to check and see if I'm the real Sweet Pea" 

"Got a joke for you" he smiled 

"Why does Peter Pan always flying?"

"Because he never lands" 

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