When I Think Of Home cont...

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*warnings for mature audience only* 21+

They arrived at Neverland and Michael sat in his limo before he got out . He had not seen his Neverland like in forever. "I know you can not wait to jump in your bed gain" she said to him. He gave her that Michael Jackson stare. The one his fans know he can give you. They drove through the gates with all the paparazzi all out front. Setting up for his huge Comeback. She still listening to Sunset Driver. Her favorite tune by her favorite Idol and Lover. He finger popping to his own tune himself. "Nice beat huh?" he chuckled. They let the windows down and the fans by the gate all cheered "Michael! Michael! Michael!" so delighted he has come back. To stop the sell of Neverland. "Michael what are planning to buy it back or just take it back" she was wondering herself what is he going to do. Right now he wants to just 'think' So she stops talking and interrupting his thoughts. "Just listen to those cheers out there" he is so happy! Too Happy. After reading all that crap about selling his damn property. He is as mad but just as calm. Michael Jackson can stop that damn sell easily. "Let's go get ready for that Press Conference" he got out and came to her side of the limo and opened her door. She got out and he helped her . They held hands and they waved to the many fans that had gathered. They went into their home. He shouted "Get The Fvc*k out of my dam*n Home !!!!!! Right Now!!!!! " Michael was running that hired help straight out. All of them. Everybody scattering. "Michael you mean business don't you?" She helped by pointing her fingers at all that crossed their path. As if 'GET THE FVCK OUT!'

They got upstairs and removed all their clothing and jumped in his bed. And he held her tight. Just laying there. Every woman in her dreams dreamt of laying with Michael like this. Watching him take back Neverland. He just had to drive through those huge gates and they fled. She was enjoying what every woman dreamt of. Being his main squeeze at Neverland in his bed. Just look at Michael. He knows he will always own Neverland. When he address his Press Conference, he will tell them everything. Not holding nothing back. If they make him mad enough he just might go out there in the nude. They better watch it for real. "Michael you got a mischievous look on your face darling Michael. A penny for your thoughts" she is anxious to know what he is planning on saying. He just pulled her close. Now she is in his grip. And she can not get up at all. As they both are enjoying his bed. He has missed it for far too long. He has missed his rides out front and his horses and his train station. The clock in front and his sun flowers. His 'Giving Tree' and his guest house and all of it. "I have missed it too bae" she read his mind. Michael is not worried about them taking Neverland. He already has it back. Just that simple. The camera men out front got those high tech lens to get the snapshot they want. "Michael what if they get this shot of us in bed like this?" He just held her tight. He is back at Neverland and he could care less what they do out side his gates. "Michael we are naked and in bed and what if this photo of you or me gets in the Sun Magazine?" He just kept looking out the window catching the lights from the giant swing flicking off and on. Such beauty at Neverland. It was dark in the bedroom but the lights from the carnival rides floated all across the bedroom. Like a strobe light. Like back in the day when they sold shadow lights to see the flower power posters on the wall. He remembers. It was when he was 17 years old. "I remembered when I did the Say Say Say short video with Paul and my sister was in it too. I said I'm going to buy this piece of land" and he did

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