Days of The Brokenhearted

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*warnings for mature audience age 21 + *

In her hotel Sephora was making all kinds of calls to see where her husband is.

"Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!" she yelled into her cell phone trying to call and talk to Michael Bearden. His old music director . Then she will try to get in touch with 'Foots' his old drummer . She got his number too. Than Orianthi Then Jen the bass electric guitarist . She knows Trent told her a new song a new duet by Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston has surfaced. Called Days of The Brokenhearted.

"Hello Hello Hello Hello is this 'Foots?" she asked since he finally answered his cellphone

"Yeah, Sweet Pea ?" he was glad to hear from her but sounds a little suspicious

"What makes you call me?"

"Where is my husband?" as she has had enough of the pranks

"I not allowed to worry you. Your personal assistant said you were having a meltdown and needed some medical attention." he tried to hang up too?

"Don't you hang up this phone 'Foots! Foots! Foots!" she yelled into the phone

He was gone? Well she about to call a dozen more phone calls. Starting with Siedah who she ran into back in Miami.

"Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!" as she waited to talk on Siedah's answering machine

"Please leave a message your call was very important to me" her answering machine clicked off and Sweet Pea talked into it

"Hello! this is Sweet Pea and do you know anything about a new song that just came out? Called Days of The Brokenhearted by Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston?" and she would wait later on for her to call back.


She called his old recording studio Epic Records and at least his old attorney Tom Mesereau answered

"Hello, speaking on behalf of my client" he spoke into his side

"Hello! Hello! I heard that there is a new song out"

"Talk to you later Sweet Pea" as he hung up too?

Sweet Pea began to cry

"Why! Why! Why! ? ?!?!?" she huddled in a corner on the white carpet and cried her eyes out. She wants to hear the new song by Michael and Nippy. He could at least email her or download it for her on Legacy music. Where they have it.

"Michael she screamed Miiiiicccchhhhhaaaaaeeeeellll...where are you?"

and she laid there until now she is going to need some ray bans to cover her face. She can not let Olive see her swollen pupils. Olive will just die. She can not stand to see her hurting each and everyday like this. Crying over her Boo Bear.

"Michael, I know you wrote that song for us" she sniffled back as snot ran into her mouth and her tears were huge and her face was drawn. She does not need to look in the mirror. Not tonight. And where is Olive? Her and Phillip Pino been gone all day and it's late. She not answering her cell phone either?

"Thanks a lot world" Sweet Pea said out loud "Thanks a lot for breaking my damn heart. Yeah it's Days of The Brokenhearted. As she grabbed some tissues. First on social media and now in real life too? Bump all this sh*t she thought to herself. She knows that he needs his privacy. But she needs him! Wait. Just wait!

"Just wait Mr. King of Pop Rock and Soul and Country " as far as she is concerned

She got back to calling more cell phones. This time it is Keya

"Hello! Hello! Hello! " she goes into the cell phone

his answering machine "You have reach who you were calling. This is not a recording. This is my real voice" as the answering machine clicked to voice mail

"Keya stop playing games thank you" she hung up

Maybe she should call Pearl jr.

She dialed her number "

"Hello! Hello! Hello! but Pearl answered after recognizing Sweet Pea's voice "Hello Sweet Pea. Where are you?"

"In New York for a jazzercise class. We had free passes to come and enjoy ourselves"

"Oh splendid girl. You doing it up aren't you?" Pearl is always ready for a scoop

"Pearl, there is a new song duet out by Michael and Whitney" Sweet Pea knew she could get some conversation out of Pearl

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