(Love Is Your Name)

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*warnings for mature audience ONLY 21 + *

Tino Pinoy "We will just sit here in the VIP section and listen to the words of Love Is Your Name until Michael Jackson returns "

Sephora is so sad but she is willing to listen to some Country music . Michael Jackson 's Mother KJ loved Country Music . Until you return Michael

They sat and drank some Papaya juice with a little gin getting to become friends. She liked Tino's warm embrace. To want to help her bad mood swings. She knew Michael was going to have to make his decision sooner or later about his comeback to the world. Michael had a lot of ways he would try but he got a bit hesitant on a lot of occasions. The sad song playing had sweet words to it and Tino just let Sephora vet about how she longs to be with her man. How they met in the first place. Michael had got burn at age 18 and he was in the hospital. Is when they met back up the second time. The first time was when she was at Neverland and she was the oldest at age 14 years old. A group of kids came to go out in the woods to go find Peter Pan on his property. She knew the land real well so she became their tour guide. Those kids was obedient to everything Michael told them to do and not to do. He loved his sweet bunch of innocent little fans. They still love him right to this day. Sephora she then became a friend of the gardener's daughter and then from there. She and Michael became good friends. Friends before lovers. She was so in love with him. He often made her home made ice cream. She loved all his junk food. He really loved chocolate. Sephora knew this day would finally come. For him to return to the world. First, he wanted to do ten shows but they got it all wrong and he refused to scalp many many friends out of his promoters selling more tickets than he agreed to. So he decided to go think about what had happened. Of course he feared for his life while he Xscaped his many evil and greedy and pushy lying so-called frienemies. Tino just sit there and listen to her cry over Michael and all the problems he had. Just trying to be a good and trustworthy person. Tino understood. He is a huge Michael fan and he vowed to keep their secret. Until he decides to return. Sephora just hopes she see's him again. Looks like he might need more time than she expected. She loves him so much. Tino poured them another drink. They watch as couples were slow dancing doing the two-step to that new country song. He asked her to dance but she did not want his arms around her. Only Michael could put his arms around her and they use to slow dance all the time . She thanked Tino for being so polite to her in her time of despair. Sephora hopes Olive is having fun out on the dance floor with Phillip Pino . She has been looking for a good man. Looks like she found one. As they held each other tight. Sephora knows that Olive falls in love real fast and that song is helping. The words to that song is so strong. Love is your name. How sweet that is to hear. Tino listen as Sephora told him she had a lot of nicknames that Michael called her. He laughed at the one she said was Sweet Pea. That is her favorite one. He is in a real good mood when he calls her Sweet Pea. She calls him Sir Michael and he loves that for himself. Sephora went to look out at the moonlight and she could see a form of Michael with his black fedora on. He used to tell her he saw himself on the moon with his black fedora on a lot of times. Tonight there was the human like form with the black fedora and the smile too

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