~~Love Is Your Name~~

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*warnings mature contents for mature audience only* 21 + please

Sephora and Michael get it in before her jazzercise class at 5pm. He is a great instructor of the the body moves and especially under his body. They got a great view of the skyline and the lights are tinted blue and the master suite is like a ready made gym with it's own track course. She is having a better time with Michael than going to her 5pm workout.

"Work it Mr. Dynamite" she teased him. They back on vacation and they are wasting no time making up for whatever they want to make up over. Be it petty stuff as usual. Just a petty reason to say they sorry. Just in case they forgot.

"Love the view Bae" he held her tight. Time to rest. Now he is wanting small talk while resting up "Who is your instructor? What's he look like? And does he flirt with you? "

She just like him rant and rave. She trying to catch her breath. Never mind a name she already forgot.

"What is his name? I want to go confront that turkey"

"Oh something like Quinton I think" she did not remember that tweeps's name. Wasn't that important anyways.

"Quinton what kinda name is that?" he did not like the name

"Michael you would not like Toriano and that's Tito's real name" she reminded him

"Yeah, just like Steven Randall is Randy's real name"

"What's Jackie's real name?" she forgot

"Hell, I forgot too" he was fibbing

"Anyways they laid there enjoying their fabulous view. Taking in all of Thailand

"I heard you call me The Caribbean Cupid?" he was making small talk

"Yeah, lovah you my Caribbean Cupid "

"Well let's get back to doing some stretches" he ordered her down

She loves that he loves her

"Love Is Your Name" she whispered as he slowly penetrated his house

It is his house. He the one that keeps it clean

They soon had sweat but not much the room has instance air conditioning and windows to open and a indoor jacuzzi and plenty of room to stand against the walls and slide down onto his johnson. Or Mike Jr. turn into Mike Sr.


Must have been what those jealous wrenches was trying to hide. So what. They getting there rocks off every chance they get. Stop picking on poor Sephora. Because it takes two hands to handle a whooper.

"This good babe?" as he it good Is it good"

"YES! YES! YES! I am getting the best workout possible and she showing him she can keep up. The making it butt naked nasty

He let's her rest as he waits a minute That was a long one to ride out and she had to ride the rest of the way as he held her so gentle. She is not making any jazzercise class tonight. She in advance class right now at 5pm evening and the sun is setting right on his hot prick . She knows she not going to any stupid jazzercise when her Boo Thang got it going on. "Keeping going babe. I have did 100 squats right in this bed. Look at the mattress in the middle. It has had it for the long haul. "I believe you have at least lost some water weight. That's liquid " They both laughed a lot . He carried his woman to their jacuzzi and they watched from their soak all the way to where she was suppose to be at The Leg Up Experience

"Is that what the call that place?" he just now hearing that flirty name?

"Yeah babe it's called The Leg Up Experience. With an instructor named Quinton"

"Hell No You won't be showing up there anytime soon" he threw her over his shoulders so he could spank her for not telling him She all wet and the spanking was hurting. He for real

"Ouch Michael..Stop being so jealous all the freakin time. If her name was 'Kitchen you'd be happy huh?"

"Not if she is calling my woman 'Chicken" he was annoyed with this Miss 'Kitchen too

Sephora "She also does hair in a hair salon and she has to get your'kitchens ' on the back of your neck" Sephora trying to make Michael bust his stitches

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