The Comeback

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*warning explicit sensual contents for mature audiences only 21 + please *

Sweet Pea had fallen asleep in her lonely bed. After drinking a lot of Smirnoff gin and Papaya Juice. She cried even in her sleep. Her dream was about her finally talking to Michael while he was driven with his cell phone telling Sweet Pea that he was on his way over to her hotel to make some sweet love to her. Sweet Pea smiled in her sleep. She was sleeping naked. She had had on a black sheer see through teddy. So who took that off of her? She was still dreaming that Michael was whispering sweet nothings into her ear. She was loving how he said he was going to run his tongu*e all over her naked soft body. She was dreaming that she was stroking his shaft and he was hard as a lead pipe. She heard him tell her in her faint dream. "Girl you gonna get it and get it good. She squirmed from the thought of him doing all those kinky things to her. She could taste his warm soft lips and he bit her bottom lip as he bit his own too. That is a sign he is going last all night long . She still hear his voice over their cell phones. "Bae, I tried to call you back in Miami but you were doing your jazzercise and did not hear the cell phone ringing" She said in her dream but out loud while talking in her sleep "Liar" "Bae if I'm lying I'm flying straight over to your hotel room to knock boots witcha bey bey" Sweet Pea always loved how he said "Bey Bey"

She is feeling his wet kisses all over her body. Feels cool and moist and she is dripping dripping dripping....

"Yeah bae, " as he is making her arch her back and she is loving what he is doing to her arching nub He taking care of business that's what. "hmmmmmm" as she loves how she is oooozing out white liquid running down her thunder thighs . "You like that babe?" he was asking? No time to talk Michael is getting busy. It's been a long time for him and Sweet Pea . In her dream she and Michael are back at the Air Port and he is kissing her by the limo. They are kissing real long lingering romantic mushy tongu*e french kissing each other to death DAMN!

"hmmmmm suga " she bites his tongue inside his mouth as he tries to swallow hers. They both good kissers. He thinks she is better. She knows he is better. They are now in another part of the dream. Her New York hotel room right down in Times Square Trump Towers. They both are guest of Honor anytime they come there . He hops in the bed with her as she tears his white T-shirt off in shreds. He glad she already naked . He would have loved to have seen her in that sheer see through teddybear for him. So sheer she tore it in her sleep while sliding out of it. herself. Her hands were knocked away by some huge hands "No No ! I am here to do everything You just lay back and enjoy the ride" She was feeling Michael use his wet fingers and find her opening and it was so hot it burned him for real. His hands were on fire for real. Well the real part of the dream. She put some butter on his hands? Where did that butter come from. She sure that was butter or duck butter. What ever the case. It helped. "I;m going to enter you now bae" she spoke soft and she was more than ready. She smacked him for being gone so damn long "Ouch bae" as he found his way around his house. He calls his home. Her front door . No more spider webs . He knockin the dust off that twatt!

"Yes lovah!!!!" she moans

and he loves her pillow talk . Sometimes he calls her 'Pillow' "Pillow, you feel so good damn I don't won't to come this fast" but he better try hard not too. Sweet Pea reach over in her sleep to grab his side of the bed pillows . But Michael had them propped under her huge onion. That Gin and Papaya juice had her sweating bullets. Her blurred vision could make out some wet curls melting on his face . Looks like Days of The Brokenhearted needs a remix

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