chapter 39 : Epilogue *Imagination*

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*warnings for mature audiences ONLY!!!!! age 21 + some sex*ual contents must be following to read*

"Sweet Pea, I want us to walk the grounds tonight to get our story right before I let the world know what happened back in 2009" Michael was being loving towards his childhood sweetheart. She listen as he sat in his library at Neverland. They had a romantic fire going and he fixed her favorite cocktail. A boiler-maker. Michelob beer mixed with Old Forester hard whiskey. He was having the same. Having one with her. They were starting to get a little feeling in their chest. A good feeling that would lead to the bedroom. Probably around 1am. Their favorite time to be getting their groove on. He stood in the station holding Sweet Pea's hand like two love starved teenagers. Waiting for the train to be started by the hired help. He had ask that the train be available and up and running after their late night romantic dinner. Sweet Pea's good good calmed him down. FINALLY? Thank the heavens. Michael was on the war pow when Sweet Pea got his temper flared. His many fans never knew he had just a bad temper. Of course some knew he did. They just never mentioned it. As the train came slowly. Ready for the two to board. A night time ride around the property. She hugged up to Michael like they were back in his drop top back in the seventies. As she had sat next to him real close. Those were the good old days. He put his arms around Sweet Pea and they kissed and made up. She so happy that he stop using rough s*ex to punish her. Even though it was good. She kissed him on his neck . Loving his cologne. It match the smell of the outdoors. He kissed her neck. Loving her perfume. It had a scent of lingering aroma of strong musk mixed with a good smelling rain scent. Michael loved the water. 

"You smell good Sweet Pea" as he made sure his arms stayed around her. She was enjoying the dark night. The other rides were not turned on. Just the headlights from the train. Into the surroundings they both knew so well. Neverland at night. Of course they both had huge flashlights just in case. 

"You smell real good too Michael"

He gave her a strange look "Sweet Pea Remember when they said Michael Jackson was in New York during the time The World Trade Centers fell? Remember when the media reported that Michael Jackson was suppose to have had a meeting in The World Trade Center but he was lucky and overslept? "Yeah, I remember that" she asked

"Well, they lied Michael Jackson was in The World Trade Center and.....

She suddenly stared at him

And he kept right on talking

When were his children born?

"1997 and 1998 and 2002"

"Wouldn't it be strange if Michael Jackson was in harms way in year 2001 but had a son born in 2002?"

"Honey, I believe you have had too much to drink. Those boiler-makers can have an awful effect on you if you drink too many" she tried to keep up with what he was saying

"Somewhere in there Michael Jackson just did not look like Michael Jackson" he added

"Oh God! I thought I was drunk but you are drunker than I am" she hugged up to listen to his drunk talk

"Pay attention!!!!!!! Sweet Pea I am trying to reveal things to you and you are just too drunk to comprehend" he was getting annoyed all over again? 

"I'm listening babe" as she reached to shake up her other favorite drink. Gin and Papaya Juice. She shook the quart size jar real good and poured some over some shaved ice. They way they usually drink it. She hand him his glass. Ice cold on a July night

He went on to keep talking as they both took a sip

"Have you add up the years the world had not seen Michael Jackson since when? I wanna see if you can get your story straight" he looked at her real stern. 

"Michael Jackson had his Pepsi accident in 1984 and I think he was badly burned on his head and the side of his right face" she answered his question

"Could it be he never wanted to ever let the world ever see him again like that?" 

"Could be" she sipped on her Gin and Juice . He sipped his

"So now we talking from 1984 until and until Forever?" he was making a statement

"Are you trying to get around to why the family had two memorials?" Her Gin and Juice was kicking in

"So you are paying attention" he hugged her even tighter

"Sweet Pea You do not know who Marvin Jones Jr. Is do you?"

"No, I just know that they did not always call Michael Jackson....MJ" 

They both had empty glasses as they rode the train in the dark. Wanting a lot to stay on their minds.

Sweet Pea "Why would Joe tweet "RIP Marvin Jones Jr> ?" 

"He just want to see if the world is paying attention" 

"And your turn Sweet Pea. Time for drunk Talk" 

"Well remember I told you we were kissing cousins? I believe we are third cousins. My grandmother Alice Jackson and Joe were half brother and sister. That fact that Edward Joseph Jackson who would be at least 150 years old by now, fathered children by two sisters. Crystal King and Gladys King."

"Yeah, you keep saying that but Alice mother name was Mary Huber" he remembers her saying that too

"So how are we kissing cousins? Try again" he looked spooked

"OK, Gladys King and Crystal King were sisters. Now Edward Joseph Jackson was Joe Jackson's oldest brother and so Alice would be Joe's 1st cousin my mother's second and Michael Jackson's third and my fourth" 

"Fourth cousin's do not count" he smiled

So they kissed and now the effect of the Gin and Juice had taken an ache towards their genitals.

"Turn the train around!!!!!!!" he yelled

"Wanna wrestle babe?" he looking horn*y 

"OMJ!" is all she could get out. As they head back to their master bedroom at the main house

Once back. They hurried inside and ran really stumbled up the steps to their bed. In the dimmed lit room. Only two naked bodies in silhouettes could be seen touchy feely on each other. The smell of Gin and Juice was fresh as he poured some all over her naked body. She in returned pour the rest before she sipped and guzzled down a big gulp. 

"Now the game is once I pene*trate you we have to stay stuck as we wrestle" he remeinded her of the fun to be had

"OMJ!" is all she could muster in a whimper 

They laid down and fon*dled  each other and she wanted se*x not to play a game. She hotter than July Jam right about now

As he saw a chance to enter as they were wrestling and he did just that . They became stuck

"OMJ!" she was trying to grind on his bone but he was wrestling . He loved teasing her while she was drunk. 

He continued to wrap her legs like pretzels and all the while she got seven inches in with the remaining teasing her. Not A Good Choice. They drunk as H.E.L.L !!!!!!!!!!!

As they wrestled his man*hood never slipped out

He might be wrestling but she getting hers . To top it off the mirrors over the canopy bed is really showing The Man In The Mirror 

She reached and flicked up the button on the victrola or boom box. An antique he had with the CD in it and now that got to him. He can not stand to hear music without doing those 380 degree spins. Just what she wanted.

"Oh yeah Bae...spin inside this wet and moist tunnel of love" she whispered 

Weather he heard or not. The song cause for 380 degree spins and that's just like she loves it. 

God just imagine!

"mhmmmmm" Just long as they stay stuck  

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