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The Email

"Are they gonna let you?" He said whilst concern grew in his eyes.
"You know what, I don't care anymore. They passed the last line with her." A lot of emotions you bottled up were running now out of you.
"Look, I don't think it'll be easy for you to go there if you at least don't tell them. I'll help you escape but you know they'll find you like the last time."
A sigh left your lips as you tried your best not to let it all out on your best friend.
"Let's make an escape plan, I'll leave them a letter. They know I'll go there to educate myself, scholarship is not a problem because I worked for it."
"Are you going to help me, Han?"
Not one spark of insurance or doubt passed his eyes before he nodded.
"Of course. You know I'll do anything. We should include Jeongin too. You know he has a mind for those things."
"Thank you. You know how much it means to me."

Han, Jeongin. They are your best friends since you were 5. They are both a year older than you. They saved your life a thousand times. You did that for them a lot of times too.
When there was no one you could turn to they were right next to you.
They never allowed you to feel left out, abandoned, lonely, or anything.
But still, your family never failed to make you feel like this.
While everyone thinks you have a perfect family only Han and Jeongin knew the truth.

That day, in the evening you received an email from the college you enrolled in.
After a whole month of deciding what path you should choose, you chose to be a part of the police and fight for a higher position.
You wanted to learn how to fight, use weapons and become a woman you're parents never expected.
Your best friends attend this university in Busan too just a different major.
It was a great relief knowing that you won't be there alone.
Now you were sitting in your room with dimmed light coming from a table lamp.
It was a warm atmosphere here but you felt cold looking at the email, you couldn't open it.
Your legs moved on their own bringing you to your clean white bed sheets.
Straightening your body on the soft mattress, different thoughts messed with you.
All you wanted was to disappear.
A small green plant on your bedside commode had more life in it than you.
What is going to be your parents' reaction when you finally leave this home?
What will your brother and sister say?
Will they hate you even more?
Are they going to me come back here?

There was a buzz next to your head that made your running thoughts disappear, for now.
*Jeongin sent you a message*
You open it, reading it quickly.

- Hey wanna go for a bicycle ride? -

It made you smile. You loved when you go on new adventures with your friends.

- Of course. See you in 20min. -

You knew you should open that file before you go out. White candles and that lamp on your table were shining almost inviting you to go there.
Dirty white carpet played with your feet when you stood up walking over to the black leather chair.
The laptop's light greeted your face with bright sharpness. Email still untouched shone even brighter.
Your heart built up the adrenaline in your veins making you excited and afraid at the same time.
You press the open button on the screen showing you the content written inside.

- Raven Academy
Miss Kang, our authorities were pleased by your achievements in high school. Miss, you've fulfilled our eligibility criteria. We are glad to have you as a part of our Academy. We hope you will be a great student here too!
Good luck Miss Kang! -

Adrenaline in your veins kicked, even more, and you jumped to your feet giggling and hopping around.
Is this going to make your parents happy at least deep there in their hearts?
Will your siblings be proud or happy or angry?
I have to tell Jeongin and Han! They will be happy for me.
Grabbing a light grey hoodie you put your hair into a tight ponytail and slip on black shorts.
Tucking your phone into the pockets you go downstairs to look for your mom.
"What now?!"
The sharp voice was heard from her room.
"I'm going for a bike ride."
"Just go, you don't even have to come back."
The last sentence wasn't a shout but you still heard it.
Sighing you went out, luckily your bike was in front of the house so you just hopped on.
Jeongin lived just two houses down the street while Han lived a street next to yours.
Parking in front of Jeongin's house looking up to his window.
"Jeongin! I'm here!"
Luckily he heard it and showed a thumbs up on the window.

Will Jeongin be happy?
What if he isn't truly happy with me? Maybe he doesn't want me to go to the same academy...
What about Han? Is he going to be happy?
The door opened revealing Jeongin in a black hoodie and blue jersey shorts while his hair contained droplets of water.
His pure skin shone against the street lights and stray moonlight.
"Hey, Minji! What's up? How are you?"
"Hey Jeon. I'm great, you?"
"That's new. Something good happened?"
"I'll tell you, let's go."
He went behind the house for his bike and in a second he was beside you.
Finally riding bikes with him somewhere, you decided to tell him the news.
"You see, the reason I'm this happy is because I got accepted to your academy."
He suddenly halted.
You stop looking back at him.
He jumped off the bike ran towards you and grabbed you into a bear hug.
You hug him back while a big smile was plastered on your face.
"I can't believe Ji! I'm so happy!"
He squeezed you even more.
"We are gonna be together for sure now!!"
He pulled out of the hug looking deeply into your eyes.
"You're not lying are you?"
"Jeon, of course not. I wouldn't be in this mood."
His smile made you the happiest.
Tears pierced your eyes just by looking at his smile.
"Let's go find Han!"

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