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A day passed since I met Hyunjin.
I had a bad internet connection and couldn't talk to Han and Jeongin a lot.
I'm currently trying to call them but my phone won't connect to wifi.
I put my phone down and sit by the desk.
In front of me was Hyunjin's drawing.
I turn it around and look at the number.
Should I call him?
Either way, I save the number into my contacts before calling him.
Just a ring and his voice was heard from the other side.
-Hyunjin, it's me, Minji.-
-Ohh, it's you. You calling me because you wanna draw?"-
-Yeah. I'm also thinking of getting ice cream. Are you up for it?-
-Yes! Let's meet at the same place in an hour.-
-Alright. See ya in an hour.-
I jump around the room. I'm so excited.
Where are Han and Jeongin when I need them?
I try calling Han again and this time it's ringing.
-Ji! Why were you not contacting us? Did something happen?-
-Everything is all right. I had issues with wifi. Guess what.-
-Thank God. But you're suspicious, Ji.-
-I met a hot guy the day before yesterday. His name is Hyunjin. He has blonde hair and draws well.-
-Really? I think I know one guy here named Hyunjin but it might not be him.-
-He lives in Philadelphia.-
A long silence was spreading through Han's side.
-Minji. Do you know his family name?-
-No, we only shared our names.-
-Well, are you maybe going to see him again?-
I think it through, maybe I shouldn't go or maybe I shouldn't tell him.
-I was planning to meet him once more. Why?-
-Ask him for his family name, if it's Hwang, I suggest you make a big distance. He's not what you think.-
-You should tell me the reason, Han.-
-I'll tell you when you come back. Trust me.-
-Okāy...You owe me an explanation. I'll call you later. Bye!-
-Yup, I owe you. Bye.-
I was very suspicious right now.
I choose my outfit now since my uncle requested me to go to the convenience store.
I chose to wear a siege green skirt, a green pleated top, and a white shoulder cardigan.
I grab your purse and head out of the room only to see myvsister in the hallway.
She was looking at me fiercely.
"Mom said you'll talk with her tonight."
She said whispering.
Just, great.
"Fine. Is it something about my behavior or?"
"It's about school but I don't think it'll pass."
I walk past her searching for uncle in the living room.
He was there reading some papers.
"Uncle. What do you need me to buy?"
"There's a list on the kitchen counter, everything is there. Buy yourself something too."
"Nah thanks, there's no need. I'll go now."
I grab the list and head out finally.
It felt suffocating in there knowing my mom or sister are watching my every move.
Walking through the glass doors I take a few steps before seeing Hyunjin in front of me.
"Oh hey!"
He was nervous, obviously.
"Hi. It's not 3 pm yet."
"Yeah, I just headed there, you?"
I take in his presence.
He wore denim baggy jeans with a black oversized t-shirt and a bucket hat.
His blonde hair peered a little underneath the black hat.
"I need to go to the store. Wanna go with me?"
He nods smiling a little.
"Of course. Is this where you're staying?"
We head towards the store that was a few minutes away.
"Yes, we're staying at my aunt's apartment."
He nods.
"I'm staying in that hotel building."
He gestured to one, somewhat gothic building that may only have 5 stores.
It held long painted windows and a lot of pillars around it with no use in general.
It didn't seem like a gothic one but it was similar.
Amazing architecture always caught my eye.
Then you heard a click and a flash in the corner of your eye.
I look at him as he smiles looking at a photo he just took with the camera.
"Let me see."
He shows me the picture.
His smile spread from one ear to another.
I finally heard his real laugh.
It was cute and harmonic to your ears.
How much I wish to have him in my friend group.
Han, for some reason, doesn't like him.
The picture was perfectly taken.
I stared into the distance while I fixed my hair.
The background was full of trees and a few buildings decorated it.
It was really pretty.
He nods taking a few pictures of the surroundings while my eyes scan his face.
"No problem, beauty. What do you need to buy?"
Those sudden sentences broke your focus and made you blush..
"Just some food. Eggs, milk, and other."

We were standing in front of my building while my hands were full of bags.
"You sure you don't want me to help you?"
"It's fine. I'll come down in a minute."
He nods before I go straight to the elevator.
"Heyy, I bought everything you needed Auntie."
As I placed everything on the counter I felt someone behind me.
"Check if there's so--"
In a blur, my head was yanked back by my hair.
I kept my mouth closed.
It's my mom.
"You spent something on yourself?"
I shake my head slightly but my head hurt badly.
"I can't wait until the evening. Tell me. Are you going to college?"
I worked for it. It's not your business.
"I applied for one college. Still not sure if I got in."
"Don't assume that I'll pay for it."
"I worked hard for a scholarship, you know that."
She lets go with a push forward.
By the impact, I hit one kitchen cabinet on my head and fell to my knee.
Everything was blurry I barely heard what she was saying.
"Clean up, before they see you like that. Pathetic."
Trying to get up, I saw a little blood on my hand as I touched the place where I hit the cabinet.
It wasn't much but it'll need some covering up.
I grab a tissue and reach the bathroom before anyone saw me.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
It was a cut right by my hairline, luckily it wasn't deep.
I clean it before putting a plaster and fixing my hair.

"Sorry. You had to wait so long. I have some donuts, take some."
I open him the box.
I bought these yesterday at the bakery with my aunt.
Two are with chocolate and two are with strawberry and vanilla.
He smiles with a nod taking the chocolate one.
I take the strawberry and vanilla one.
We both hum at the first bite.
"It's so good. Where did you buy this?"
"In that shopping center. Auntie said is the best bakery and she brought me to try something."
"They really are."
An instinct, I moved my hair behind my ear and he let out a small gasp.
"What happened, you didn't have that a few minutes ago? Are you okay?!"
He held my wrist and moved my hair a little.
"Oh, I just slipped. I'm fine."
His eyes spilled concern.
It seemed like he didn't believe that.

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