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Third pov

While Minji was on the plane her family was home.
It was already 10 pm when her mom went to her room.
She needed her to clean the kitchen but once she got in she was greeted with an empty bedroom.
Minji was supposed to be home by now.
Her mother, Mrs. Kang Hyein, found the letter on the desk.
She was confused.
She sat on the bed to read it.

For my dear family.
I want to let you know that I spent my life until now miserly with you. I had no word here, never. I decided to change my life to be better without you. Just to comfort you, I won't be a bother anymore. I'll go to a college that I worked so hard for, without your help. Don't try to find me, you won't be able to.
Mom, Yumi is your priority now. You don't have to spend money on me anymore.
Dad, Jaeseong, Yumi I'm not here anymore. I'm not going to annoy, bother, or pressure you anymore.
Everything is going to be great from now on.
Enjoy your life to the fullest without me.

After reading it, Mrs. Heyin went to the living room to say the news to the rest of her family.
On the couch sat Yumi and Mr. Doyun.
"There's something new. Minji ran away. I won't even try to find her. She left a letter on her desk in case you want to read it."
Yumi looked completely unbothered while her Dad looked half confused half surprised.
"Finally she won't be a bother anymore."
Yumi didn't try to hide the fact she was happy about it.
Her dad said nothing and continued to watch tv.
Her mom sat down joining her husband.
In their lives, nothing changed.
Although we can't say that for Jaeseong.

It was already late, and Minji's family went to sleep except for Jaeseong.
He was listening to music and playing some games.
He decided he should go to sleep.
He got up to grab his pajamas before he found something in his closet.
A black box with a small note on top.

To Jaeseong:
Jae, I know I'm not that preferred in this family but there were times when you showed me that I still mattered to you. I'm sorry for being a bother. I'm going to college. I hope you won't try to search for me. Thank you for being my brother, even if you hurt me sometimes. Thank you for caring. I can't explain how grateful I am when you helped me.
Enjoy your life to the fullest.

Jaeseong tried to process the words his sister had written on the note.
Opening slowly the box he felt tears prick his eyes.
In there were bags of peanuts and pistachio, a bracelet, and a drawing of him.
He touched each piece gently with his fingers.
His sister left him.
Maybe her mother, father, and her sister didn't care for her.
But her brother cared for her more than he did for his parents or his other sister.
He read the note again.
When he looked closely, there were dots and lines on the bottom of the box.
.. / .- -- / .. -. / -... ..- ... .- -. .-.-.-
He didn't think much of it before he laid on his bed staring at the ceiling with the box on his chest.
So many thoughts went through his mind before tears rolled down his cheeks.

Your pov

I stretch my limbs.
Making a swirl I embraced the Busan airport.
After we went through all of the processes and got our suitcases we finally went outside.
The night weather was perfect.
We got ourselves some food to eat in a cafe and we sat outdoors.
"I can't believe we made it Minji."
Jeongin said eating his food.
"It doesn't feel real."
"Minho will come to pick us up in a minute."
Han was pretty relaxed the whole time.
I inhale deeply. It was such a pressure on me.
Just as I ate the last piece of my food a familiar voice greeted us.
"Welcome to Busan!"
Minho had a smirk plastered on his mouth when he gave each of us a small hug.
"Come on. I'm really tired."
Jeongin was sulking.
"Yeah. Let's go. I'll put the suitcases in."
As he drove us through the city I was mesmerized by the night view.
Everything was glowing.
Even tho it was tight traffic we came to his apartment quickly.
I don't remember anything afterward.
I was so tired I don't remember if I got my shoes off.
It even hit me in my dream.
I was finally out of that hole.
I was finally away from my family.
I was finally free.
Even tho I'm out of there, an even harder life is going to encounter me here.
I'll have to work hard and be in the right state of mind the whole time.
Despite that, I'm free.
I escaped.
Am I?

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