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Jaeseong pov

The next day was rough.
Tears dried off while I stared at the box she left me.
I spin it around looking for some clues she might have left me.
My eyes captured the small dots on the bottom.
It was suspicious but then my mother called me.
I slap my face slightly and hide everything before she came in.
"You know that Minji ran away, right?"
"I'll have to get someone to clean and do the chores in her place. I can't let Yumi do that.
Will you try to find someone for me?"
I nod sitting back on my bed and grabbing my phone.
"Fine, I'll try to find someone."
She left with a proud smile on her sour face.
I was sick of her.
Hard to admit I thought about my mother like that but she and Yumi were the reason Minji left.
I look at the dots again.
"Is this the... What's the name of it?"
The only person who I know will help me is my friend.
I call him and get an answer immediately.
"Hey Jae, what's up?"
"Hey. I need your help. Can you come over?"
"Yeah. I'm near, be there in a minute."
Indeed he was there in a minute.
"Sit, I'll get us some snacks."

"Why did you call me over? I mean it sounded urgent."
I get the box my sister left me and sit beside him.
"Hyunjin, can you read this?"
He takes the box looking at its bottom.
"Oh, morse code. I can."
He studied it carefully before speaking.
"It says: I am in Busan. What's this Jae?"
My mind got blurry for a second as I tried to process his words.
"... I don't know."
"Where did you find this?"
I sigh deciding if I should tell him.
He's been my friend for a long time and we both know what goes on in our lives.
"It's Minji. She left me this. The reason is she ran away to study there."
I notice him tensing his muscles.
"If she left for Busan, I could find her maybe. I'm going next week anyway."
Those words comforted me.
I felt relief immediately.
"Please Hyunjin. You need to find her. She's my real and only sister."
Laying down I put my hand over my eyes.
Hyunjin put his hand on my shoulder reassuring me.
"I will. I promise. Let it all out, I'll listen to you."

Your pov

Finally, I found my way to the large library.
I wanted to prepare myself a little and read the letters in peace.
The insides are dressed in a Gothic style.
The walls are beige with golden details and long windows with thick glass and drawings on them.
Crystal chandeliers hang above long and high wooden aisles of books.
The whole library is sorted perfectly into topics so you know where to search for a certain thing.
The wooden floor was perfectly polished and it had thin rugs underneath long oak tables.
On the right was the librarian's corner.
I approach her so that I can become a member of the librarians.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
I bow slightly while saying, "I wanna become a member here."
The young woman nods scuffling through some papers.
"I'm Violet, what's your name please?"
She was soft looking with brown hair tied in a half up half down.
She had thin purple glasses on her nose.
Her hazel eyes stood out against her pale skin.
"It's Kang Minji. Nice to meet you."
Violet smiled, it brought positivity into the room.
"Here, sign this and you're done."
I sign it with a small smile.
"You can take some cookies or tea in that corner and if you need some help just come and ask me for help."
Thanking her I go and grab some tea before I place my stuff on the table away from a few students that sat there.
I sigh deeply looking at the papers in front of me.
Firstly I open the one with the rules in it.
In the beginning, it had obvious rules that each school had but the next ones were weird.

"14: Never invade the privacy of the teachers and the classrooms '1920' and '125'.
15: When meetings are held only interrupt in serious emergency cases.
16: The extra exercise hall can be used only till 7 pm.
17: If a teacher's help is needed by a student, only the perfect can invade their privacy.
18: Invading the business of the school, if you're an ordinary student can lead to being expelled.
19: If the punishments are not done the right way it leads to a full week of work.

The rules are pretty strange, like what meetings, classrooms, and punishments?
Then next rules were basic again. I only didn't understand those 6 weird ones.
As I put the letters down I see someone in front of me, across the table.
It was a girl.
She was really pretty.
She had light brown hair, pale skin, and green eyes.
She had a perfect oval face and a small nose.
She looked shy but I could see she wanted to greet me.
I whispered trying to be nice.
She said it quietly as she looked down shyly at her book with a small smile.
"I'm Minji. New here."
When I said that she looked up happily.
"Really? I'm new here too. My name is Vanya."
Such a unique name.
"Since you're new here too, we should keep close," I said opening the math book.

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