Chapter 1: Damsel In Distress

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Saturday nights are always busy at Andy's Bizarre Bar and Lounge.

The seven o clock rush has already passed and I feel like if i have to pull the tap on this cheap ass keg of beer one more time, I'm going to vomit.

My name is Ashley Stanton and I'm a junior at AMU.
I'm 5,6 with light brown skin.

Half from my mothers Latin side, and the other from my African American father.

I have a nice body courtesy of my ancestors and I have long curly black hair that I love.

Luckily,my family is fortunate enough to pay for my schooling so I only work here to earn some extra cash.

All of the patrons are pretty drunk by now and I'm trying my best to keep my spirits up, but this guy at the end of the bar just won't give it a rest.

"So uhh...what time do you get off? Ive got no plans tonight."

He has this sickening grin on his face that gives off the impression that he thinks i'll be an easy catch.

He isn't the worst looking man I've seen come in tonight, but he's definitely the most annoying, and not my type.

"Thanks for the offer,but I'm not interested in going home with anyone tonight."

I turn my back to him in order to grab a glass off the back shelf and almost drop it when I feel his hand wrap around my wrist.

"Hold on now. Don't turn away. We're just getting started."

I feel his fingers dig into my skin as our eyes meet.

His eyes darken slightly and I feel a drop of fear spark within me but I hold it together.

"I said. I'm not. Interested." I try to pull my hand away but he quickly pulls me in closer and whispers in my ear.

"Don't make this into a whole scene now. Why don't you go ahead and-"

His voice catches in his throat as a hand grips onto his shoulder.

"I'm pretty sure the lady said she isn't interested. Let her go, and go on about your business."

I watch as their knuckles flex, adding more pressure.

He finally releases my hand and turns to face them, or rather, look up at them.

I back away from the bar to get some distance from him when i realize the person that came to my rescue, is actually a woman.

She's about 5'9 and dark skinned with dreadlocks. She's wearing a white muscle shirt with some black jeans, black and white sneakers, and a leather jacket.

With her height, she's slightly taller than him and by the way she's filling out her jacket, I'm guessing stronger.

He looks her up and down and scoffs as if he doesn't see her as a threat yet, his body language is telling a different story.

"What's it to you dyke? We were just having a friendly conversation."

A throaty laugh comes from her at his attempt to insult her. It's almost as if she finds the whole situation amusing.

Her eyes raise up over his head and when our eyes meet, breathing becomes a bit difficult.

"Hey, you okay?"

A blush spreads across my cheeks as her hazel eyes search mine for an answer.

She has this energy about her that's staggering.

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