Chapter 30: I Trust You

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After awhile, we go grab the two knuckleheads and go to the diner that me and Taylor went to on our first date.

Sam and Taylor are talking excitedly about everything they did and I can't help but roll my eyes. 

"Okay, we get it. You two think you're soooo cool."

Taylor laughs and wraps an arm around me. "Aww someone sounds like they want some attention." 

Her hand slides down to my inner thigh and I blush trying not to move.

 "I see you two are getting along."

Sam nods putting an arm around Paige as she kisses her cheek. "Yeah, she's aite I guess."

Taylor laughs and pulls me closer. "We're cool. We decided that we're equally bad ass because I think if I would've done one more flip I wouldve puked."

We all laugh and I lay my head on Taylor's shoulder taking everything in.

In this moment I couldn't be happier.

 Im spending time with people I care about and I even got to buy some really cute things.

Taylor looks at her watch and kisses the top of my head. 

"Well it was fun meeting you guys, but we have to head out. We've got a busy week coming up so we should get some rest."

I look up at her confused and her and Sam smile at each other. "We do?" 

She nods and I look between them confused.

"Alright well,you guys have fun. Remember what I told you."

Sam says before doing the "I'm watching you" motion. 

She grabs Paige's hand helping her out of the booth and I follow Taylor out to the car, questioning her the whole time.

I look over at Paige and she shrugs unsure of what's going on herself. 

I know we left them alone for awhile but how do they go from puffing their chests out at each other, to scheming together?

Once we get In the car, i give Taylor a look and she laughs. "Are you going to tell me what's going on now or are we just going to sit here staring at each other?"

She smiles as she pulls out of the parking lot and heads towards my house. 

"Well, we've been together almost a month now and i wanted to do something Special. How quickly can you pack your bags?"

I furrow my brow confused. "Pack my bags? For what?"

She smiles at me and holds up two plane tickets. "Im taking you to Hawaii. I got us a nice beach house and everything. I let Sam know because I figured it was best and she supported it fully. She did say though that if anything happened to you that I better make sure I die because she's going to kill me, but I think she was joking."

I laugh knowing damn well she wasn't joking and gasp when it finally hits me. 

"We're going to Hawaii!?!"

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