Chapter 21: Breakfast or Brunch?

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For those of you that have read this series before, don't say I never gave yal anything 😉


"Bend over." She commands as she pulled her tie from around her neck.

I quickly obey an turn over so that my legs are over the edge of the bed, my stomach flat on the soft sheets.

I bite my lip as she gets down on her knees behind me.

Her rough hands sliding my skirt up to my hips as she kisses along my thighs.

The feeling of her breath brushing against my lips making my legs shake in anticipation. "God you're gorgeous."

I blush at the compliment before the sensation of her warm tongue dragging up my pussy causes me to moan.


I feel her smile against me as she licks and sucks in my clit relentlessly. I can feel the warmth in the pit of my stomach growing and when I feel her thick tongue move inside of me, I can't help coming undone in her arms.

"God damn. That was intense."

She licks me clean and places soft kisses from my clit,all along my back, and to my neck.

"That was just a warm up baby. We're just getting started."

I bite my lip as I feel her press herself against me.

My mind gets fuzzy as I imagine how good she's going to feel inside of me.

I lean back so that we're both standing up and give her a kiss before getting on my knees in front of her.

Her eyes widen as I eagerly unbutton her pants and pull her throbbing member out.

"This is what I want. God it's so big."

I look up into her eyes as I slowly drag my tongue along the shaft.

Her eyes roll to the back of her head and i get to work. I make sure I put in work with my tongue gliding around the head of her cock.

My lips squeezing her as i suck on every inch.

"Fuck ash. You're killin me."

She grabs a hand full of my hair and I moan as she thrusts into my mouth. I gag as she hits the back of my throat and the sound of her moans causes me to drip all over the floor.

Suddenly, she pulls out.

Her breathing is heavy as she looks down at me.

Drool is sliding down my face as I stare up at her with glazed eyes. She smirks and leans down to give me a kiss.

"Well aren't you just perfect?"

I smile at the compliment and gasp when she picks me up onto the bed and stands between my legs. I let out a long moan as she slowly enters me and I'm filled with so much pleasure that tears stream down my face.

"Oh fuck yes!"

She starts off slow, moaning as the sound of her fucking me fills the room. I'm already close even though we just started and I can feel myself tightening around her.

"Fuck baby. You're so tight."

I wrap my legs around her waist as she starts to pound into me faster.

"Don't stop. Don't you fucking stop!"

She leans down so that our bodies are touching and I feel myself take every inch of her.

My fingers claw down her back as I'm rocked by my own orgasm. She groans and quickly pulls out, releasing onto my stomach.

Our chests rise and fall as we try to calm down and I can't help but let out a giggle.

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