Chapter 11: Just Two Friends Talking

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How far do I need to take this?

This is the most intense foreplay I've ever been in but I'm supposed to be teaching her, not fucking her.

I sit her up on the edge of the desk so that she's facing me."Alright let's take a little break.Umm.."

Im trying to think of my next move but I can't help but take in how sexy she looks right now.

Her blouse has a couple of buttons undone showing me her breasts, her skirt is hiked up past her hips, her hair is a mess and her hands are still bound behind her back.

She looks up at me and her lustful eyes seem to be begging me to Fuck her.

As if over edged her to the point where if she doesn't get a release soon, she might lose her mind.

She is going to be the death of me, I just know it.

As Im contemplating what to do, her eyes go down between my legs.

Her breathing starts to pick up as she stares at the slight bulge in my pants.

I'm not a perv.

I don't just wear it during my class with students here but like I said, I had plans after work.

I brought it in my bag and I just put it on not too long before Paige came in.

The girl I was going to see is into role playing so she specifically requested that I come dressed in whatever I wore to work.

The bulge also isn't very obvious.

You'd have to really look in order to notice but since Paige knows that I wear it sometimes, she noticed right away.

She looks up at me,lust pouring from her eyes.

"Can I see it?"

I look down at her, my eyes wide in surprise and excitement.

"You wanna what?"
I ask, trying to laugh it off but I can tell she's serious.

She looks back at her bound hands and gives me a looks as if asking if I can untie her.

I do so and watch as eases onto her knees before me and places her hands on each of my thighs.

I lean back against the desk while she stares at it and I feel as if my heart is going to fly out of my chest.

"I want to see what yours looks like."

I bite my lip, trying to keep it together but goddamn. She's making it pretty hard.

"I don't think that's a very good idea love."

She ignores me and slowly unzips my pants before pulling out my 8" strap on.

It's a light brown color, which is pretty close to my skin tone, with a slight curve and a few veins along the side.

If it weren't for the harness, you'd probably think it was real.

Her eyes seem mesmerized by it as she eases her lips closer.

"Oh wow, I didn't expect it to be so big."

I blush scratching the back of my head. "Yeah well I wasn't gonna buy a cheap one.I have a reputation to up ho-hoo..."

I stop mid sentence as I watch her slowly lick all along the shaft of my Dick.

Stunned can't even begin to describe how I felt.

My best friend is sucking my dick.

It's literally in her mouth.

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