Chapter 5: Fire At A Party

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I don't understand parties anymore.

Maybe I'm just getting older but the idea of going to some random persons house in a desperate attempt to "feel something" doesn't seem like fun to me.

The smell of desperation and stale beer burn my nostrils as I watch someone stumble towards me.

Her eyes are glazed and the smirk on her face is a clear indicator that she has had a few too many tonight.

"Hey cutie. You want some company?"

I give her a small smile as she leans against the bar top beside me.

A whiff of Smirnoff hits me like a blast of air when you open a walk in fridge.

Almost as if she bathed in it before walking over.

She's talking to me, telling me about how she can help me have a good time.

Im not really in the mood tonight, but I'm not heartless.

I give her my full, undivided attention and watch as the heat rises on her cheeks.

Her stance stiffens and her hands begin to fidget out of nervousness.

Normally I would be all over this girl and trying to get us out of here for some alone time, but tonight, Im not feeling it.

Ive been sleeping with so many women lately that Ive begun to feel numb.

There is only one woman that I have been with that makes me feel as if love could be real.

She's perfect honestly.

In every way imaginable.

However, she's off limits.

We agreed to keep our relationship strictly platonic so, I will keep my word.

Whatever I can do to make her happy, ill do.

Even if it hurts.

I sip my drink as she whispers in my ear some pretty naughty things, but my mind goes blank as a streak of red hair passes by.

Time seems to stop as her laugh echoes off of the wall and for the first time tonight, my heart rate increases ever so slightly.

I follow this flowing mane with my eyes completely ignoring the woman in front of me as she tries to regain my attention.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

She asks , her eyebrows pulled down into a frown.

The figure comes to a stop in the room across from us and my interest is finally peaked.

She is about 5'4 a slight tan, sparkling green eyes and gorgeous red hair.

She is leaning against a wall, laughing with her friends.

Her smile felt as if it lit up the whole room and I can feel my hands beginning to sweat.

I excuse myself keeping my eyes trained on this mystery girl.

I didn't even catch the other ones name, but she's so drunk, she probably won't even remember our encounter.

I stuff my hands in my pocket to hide my nervousness and I'm about to make my move when my friend Jason drapes a big bear arm over my shoulders and pulls me close.

"SAM THERE YOU ARE! I need you man, these guys are talking mad shit and we gotta school em!"

He yells dragging me over towards the beer pong table.

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