Chapter 34: Sam

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Its been hours since I dropped Ashley off at Sam's and I still haven't heard from her. She promised to come by to get her bags but i have yet to see her and it's getting late.

I start to give up hope when I get a text.

A: hey just made it home. I'm going to come by and pick up my bags then head home. I'm tired.

I roll my eyes and respond.

T: what took you so long? I've been waiting for hours.

I sit back on the couch waiting on a reply when I hear the door opening. She peeks around it and tilts her head at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were waiting on me."

I sigh as she walks over and straddles my lap. "I just...didn't expect you to be there so long."

She cocks her head to the side and I can't help but smile at her. 

She's so perfect.

 I don't know why I got so upset, she was just trying to help her friend.

When me and Sam spoke on the lift, I understood her better.

 I understood the bond that they have and I get why ash was so concerned about her.

However, I don't know why but, it still makes me uncomfortable sometimes.

She wraps her arms around my neck and slowly kisses all over me making me smile a little more.

 "Please don't be mad at me daddy.I didn't mean to make you wait."

I bite my lip as my hands slide down to grab her ass.

Does she know what she does to me when she talks like that? 

She gasps a little when I pull her closer. "Oh!"

I kiss the blush that forms on her cheeks and laugh a little. "I'm not mad baby. I was just getting worried is all."

She smiles and kisses along my neck as I move one of my hands a little lower so that I can rub her pussy through her shorts from behind.

She whines a little in my ear and I feel my hardness growing. God hearing her make those kinds of sounds in my ear just makes me want to fuck her until she can't even walk properly.

That whole week when we were in Hawaii was heaven. 

We were all over one another as if we just couldn't get enough. 

She's such a beautiful person inside and out.

 I know we've only been together a short time, but I love her. 

I know I do.

 I want to make her mine but, I know I have to wait.

I have to give us time.

I ease her shorts out of the way giving myself access to finger her already soaking wet hole. 

She moans gripping my shirt as she bounces on my fingers.

I kiss and nibble along her neck and smile when I hear her whimper a little. "Baaaby...I want more." 

I raise an eyebrow at her and the sight of her hooded eyes and heavy breathing excite me even further.

I can't just let her have it that easy though right? "Hm? What is it love?"

I push my fingers in a little deeper. "Ah! Fuck, baby...don't tease me."

I smirk and suck on her neck leaving a mark.

I want everyone to know she's mine, especially a certain someone. "Beg for it."

She pants as I pick up the pace. "Fuuuuck! Please baby! Please fuck me! I need it."

I moan a little and slip my Dick out of my shorts.

She lifts up removing her own shorts and drops down onto me causing me to groan. "Fuck baby. You really want it huh?" 

She nods quickly as she grinds on me.

I'm taken aback a little by how she's acting. It's as if her need is so strong she can barely control herself.

I grip her hips as she throws her head back.

 The sound of our moans echo throughout the house as she rides me.

 I can feel her getting close. 

Her walls tighten around me and I can feel myself building up.

I'm going to cum inside of her. I'm going to make sure she knows that she's mine.

We're both right there so I thrust into her and i moan as I release my load into her at the same time that her orgasm shoots through her. "Fuck yes! Yes! S-Sam!"

I instantly stop moving as her words hit my ears.


She leans onto my shoulder as she shakes from how intense her orgasm was.

Did she really just say that?

I look over at her and I'm about to question her when I realize that she's fallen asleep.

The whole flight here she wouldn't rest. She was too stressed out about Sam.

When we got back in town, she didn't even say bye to me. She just hopped out of the car and ran inside to be with Sam.

It's always Sam.

She's always put before me and this time, it actually hurt. She didn't cum like that for me, it was for Sam.

Has it always been for her?

That whole week when we were making love over and over, was she thinking about sam?

I gently pick her up and carry her to bed , tucking her in as she cuddles up to a pillow. I close the door quietly and lean back against it lost in thought.

How long can I keep this up? 

Loving the woman of my dreams when her heart doesn't beat for me. 

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