Chapter 36: Get Out.

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Ashley's POV

I gently rub my eyes as I look around trying to figure out where I am.

I don't even remember falling asleep.

I look around and notice Taylor's shirt on the ground and smile.

I must be in her room,but where is she?

I grab the shirt off the ground and put it on to cover myself before walking out of the room to find her.

I hear someone moving around in the kitchen so I make my way in there but when I turn the corner I feel like something is off.

She is sitting on a barstool at the island sipping on some whiskey.

Now I know she was always in the bar, but it was mainly to flirt with me. She barely drunk the drinks I made and she doesn't really drink when we go out so to see her drinking now is a bit concerning.

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist as I kiss on her neck. "Hey there, how come you weren't in bed with me?"

She scoffs taking a sip from her glass. "You sure I'm the one you wanted to be there?"

I give her a confused look and she downs the rest of her drink before pouring another glass. "What do you mean? Who else would I want there?"

She chuckles before taking the drink like a shot. "I don't know, probably Sam." She slurs as she gets up to walk away from me.

Now I'm really confused. I know she was a little upset about me staying over there so long but she's being a little dramatic now. "What are you talking about? Sam and I are just friends."

She laughs maniacally and I jump a little. "Oh yeah, I forgot. You two just slept together a few times, and you scream her name when you cum. That's all."

I give her a blank look as she continues. "What's wrong with me huh?" 

I back up against the island as she steps closer to me. The smell of the alcohol on her breath burning my eyes. 

"I can give you more then she ever could but im not who you want. You want her. The whole time we were together, you were imagining her fucking you instead of me. Well guess what babe? At least I have a real Dick."

Tears well in my eyes as she grabs my bags out of the closet and tosses them towards the door. 

"Your Uber will be here any minute. I suggest you get dressed."

I walk up to her and place my hands on her chest. "Baby what are you talking about? Why are you acting like this?"

She pushes my hands off and throws the shorts I wore over here at me. "I need you to leave ash. Now."

Tears stream down my face as I pull the shorts on and walk out the door with my bags in tow.

What does she mean I said Sam's name?

Did I really do that?

I honestly can't remember much after I left Sam's. 

I do know that we had sex when I came over here.

 I was so...horny.

I don't know why considering I just helped my friend get over a heartbreak but as soon as I saw Taylor, I had to have her. 

 She gave me the most mind blowing orgasm I've ever had. It was so good and I was so tired from everything going on that I guess I fell asleep.

Now shes saying that I said something I don't recall and doesn't want to be near me?

I wipe my eyes as I get into the cab. I need to call someone, but Sam has a lot going on right now.

I sigh as I dial my friend Sarah's number.

Me and her have been friends since high school and we check in with one another every now and then.

 You know that friend that you rarely talk to but you know if either of you needed something, it's like all of that silence never happened?

That's how we are.

If one of us calls the other,we're all ears ready to help. "Hello?" 

I release a shaky breath as the tears start to pour out again.

"I...I messed up...I don't know what to do..." I say in between sobs.

I hear her get into her car and start it as I try to get myself together. "Wow wow slow down. Take a deep breath hon."

I nod doing as she says. "I need help. I don't know how to fix this."

She sighs as I get out of the Uber at my house. "Okay I'm on the way, I just got off so I'll be there soon."

I nod and hang up the phone as I set my bags down and curl up on the couch.

Things were going so well.

Me and Taylor were in a good spot and I could really see us being together for a long time. Now, I don't even know what's going to happen.

Does she want to end things between us? 

Or am I going to have to find a way to prove that she is who I want, not Sam?

I sigh as I pull a blanket over me, letting the tears fall down my face.

Maybe this is how it is supposed to be.

Every time I find the smallest bit of happiness, something undoes it.

It's like, I don't deserve to be with someone.

I want to be loved, I want to be cherished.

Yet, the two people that I give my heart to either don't want me to be around, or don't feel the same.'s just me.

Maybe...there's something wrong with me.

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