Chapter 32: Happy

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I didn't even look up as they left.

I slid down the wall feeling so broken and defeated.

I knew this would happen.

It was all too good to be true.

The tears steam down my face as flashes of the last few weeks went through my mind.


All lies. 

The next few days I did nothing but wallow in my sorrows.

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep.

I don't even think I showered.

All I did was drink.

It was the only thing that made me feel, anything.

Im sitting on the couch flipping through the channels.

I'm not watching anything, but the background sound keeps me calm.

I finally settle on playing ghost adventures and as I go to take a sip of my beer Only to have a single drop come out.

"Empty again?" I sigh tossing the bottle to the side and hoisting myself up to grab another.

I stumble into the kitchen and as I open the fridge to grab another beer, I hear keys in the door. 

I finally settle on playing ghost adventures and as I go to take a sip of my beer Only to have a single drop come out.

"Empty again?" I sigh tossing the bottle to the side and hoisting myself up to grab another.

I stumble into the kitchen and as I open the fridge to grab another beer, I hear keys in the door.

As I turn around, I have to cover my eyes as Ashley walks in letting the sun rays shine in behind her.

I don't think I've even opened the blinds in days so the sudden light instantly gives me a migraine.

"Could you shut the goddamn door?! Jesus." She shuts it and struts over to me looking at me as if I've lost my mind.

"Umm who do you think you're talking to?" My eyes get big as reality sets in and I'm actually a bit fearful.

I've never raised my voice at Ashley because she gets a little fiesty sometimes.

When she's mad her Latina side comes out and boy is it scary.

"You must have lost your mind being cooped in here for days on end but I'll help you find it real quick!"

Now any other day, her using her accent would be pretty hot but right now I feel like a child being scolded.

I lower my head and nod taking every word she throws at me.

Once she's done with her rant I peek an eye open and see her standing with her arms crossed.

I trying my best to seem okay but I can't hide it. 

Especially from her.

She sighs and her voice softens as she gently grabs my face looking me over. "You really need to get it together babe. You're losing yourself in here."

I smile a little at her concern.

No matter what she's always been there for me, even without me asking.

I should've at least gone to her at some point but I was so caught up in my own head this whole time.

"I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark ash. I just...I didn't know what to do." I sigh leaning against the counter trying to hold in the tears that are starting to form.

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