Chapter 12: Straight Gay

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As we're walking to the car, Jason Is telling me all about his day at work and how great our date is going to be later while my mind keeps repeating one thing.

You cheated on him with your best friend.

On the way home,he's telling me about how much he's missed me all day, but all I can do is respond absentmindedly as I look out the window lost in thought.

What was that back there?

It was only supposed to be a little lesson, showing me a few new tricks.

It wasn't supposed to turn into full blown sex.

I didn't expect her to be so...good.

I know she's been with a lot of women but, her experience far surpasses mine.

I didn't even know I could cum that hard, let alone twice.

I don't know what came over me but at one point I thought I was going to explode if she didn't touch me.

If I didn't feel her inside of me.

Once we were done the first time, I thought it was over.

She beat Jason's record of lasting out by a long shot.

I almost lost my mind when I felt her tongue between my legs.

I didn't even know my body could feel so much pleasure.

I hate to admit it, but she was definitely bigger than Jason too.

I let a giggle slip out and Jason smiles at me.

"You're in a good mood."

I smile at him and turn back to the window sighing as waves of guilt wash over me again.

When we get home I change out of my work clothes and start cooking his favorite meal.


He kisses my cheek as we start to cook together but then his phone rings.

"For crying out loud, can't they function without me?"

I smile and give him a kiss.

"Go ahead baby I can handle dinner."

He gives me a slightly sad smile and kisses my cheek before going outside to take the call.

He works for an accounting agency so he gets a lot of phone calls throughout the day about changes being made or something he has to look over.

He usually likes to help me with dinner but I don't mind cooking by myself.

Cooking always finds a way to calm me down and today was pasta night so it was pretty easy.

I sigh.

Even though I invited Sam, I hope she doesn't show.

I don't know how I could face her right now.

Especially in the same room as Jason.

As I'm finishing up, I feel slightly at ease since she hasn't arrived yet.

I'm setting the table when I hear Jason's voice coming from the living room and the sound of a slight scuffle.

"I'll get you back for that!"

I look up in the direction of the noise and when our eyes meet I feel my legs begin to shake.

She's wearing a black muscle shirt with jeans and a flannel around her waist.

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