Chapter 9: Give Me More

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The next morning is a blur.

I somehow managed to get up, get dressed, and get to my classroom, but I was basically on autopilot the whole time.

Throughout the day, I have trouble focusing because I just can't shake what happened last night.

We've been texting each other like normal.

As if nothing even happened but it's starting to bother me.

I know how she gets.

If she isn't comfortable with something she tries to ignore it and act like nothing ever happened, but I can't do that.

Especially Not in this situation.

Today is the last day before break so the students are all uninterested in learning any further.

It honestly works out for me because I don't know if I can even get through a lesson.

I decided to let them talk amongst themselves until the bell rings.

I sit back in my chair and sigh as I rub my temples.

I really need to get my mind off of Paige but its hard.

I know I was only helping her out but, those old feelings I had are starting to resurface.

That moment was so intimate, so intense.

And pretty damn hot.

After all of my classes are over, I start cleaning up my classroom so I can head out.

There's always trash or books everywhere at the end of the day and I don't like coming into a messy classroom after a break so I might as well reset everything.

Im almost done getting everything back in order when I hear a knock on the door.

"Knock knock."

I look up and my breath is taken away when I see her standing in the doorway in a yellow blouse that's pretty low cut and a flowy white skirt.

She looks absolutely stunning and I can't take my eyes off of her as she walks towards me.

Her hips swaying with every step.

The top she's wearing is slightly revealing for a teacher but the principal doesn't mind as long as he gets a peek.

I tell her all the time to dress more conservatively, but right now, I'm not complaining.

"Well hello there.What do I owe this unexpected visit?"

I give her a bow and she laughs.

"You're so silly. Jason wanted me to invite you over for dinner, I know you probably already have plans but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Besides I'm making pastaaa"
She sings the last word as she makes her way over and sits on the edge of my desk.

I grab the trash bag out of the bin by my desk and give her a look.

"Sure thing,but could you please not defile school property by sitting on my desk?"

She rolls her eyes and proceeds to tell me about her classes today while I set the bag out in the hall for the janitor to grab.

When I'm done cleaning, i sit at my desk and start looking over some papers when suddenly she perks up a little.

"Oh! I also want to thank you Sam."

I stop and look up at her confused.

"Thank me for what?"

She smiles at me and turns so she's facing me but still sitting on the desk.

Her legs crossed over one another right beside me.

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