Chapter 26: Shopping

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Once we're both showered and dressed I decide I need a new outfit for the party so we go to the mall to do some shopping.

It's been awhile since we went shopping together since our schedules are so crazy.

Plus,I'm usually out with Jason.

We hit up a few stores and after awhile I finally find the perfect outfit.

It's a green 2 piece off shoulder crop top with a black high waisted romper for bottoms.

I also grab a pair of heels to go with it.

Before buying it I want to try it on so I have sam sit outside the dressing room while I do.

She has been carrying all of my bags all days so I think she was happy to finally get a break even though I insisted on carrying everything myself.

While trying it on, i'm leaned over putting on my shoes when all of a sudden the door opens.

I look up into the mirror and see sam closing the door behind her.

"Hey no peeking!" She turns back to me and smiles looking me up and down.

"Well you were taking awhile so I came to see if you needed any help." I roll my eyes and straightened myself up.

"I was trying to make sure I looked presentable, thank you." I'm looking in the mirror fixing my hair when I see two arms encircle around me.

"Aww, all of that for little ole me?" I blush and look back at her as she kisses my cheek.

I look back at the mirror and smile at the sight in front of me.

We look so happy together.

Having her here with me like this feels so right.

I don't want anything to take this away.

She kisses my cheek and pushes us apart a little so she can twirl me around making me laugh.

"you look prefect doll. Now C'mon let's go get some lunch. I'll get you some sushiii."

She starts to let go when I quickly pull her back and place a kiss upon her lips.

She's a bit surprised at first but quickly wraps her arms around me kissing back.

As the kiss deepens, I reach down and start to unbuckle her jeans when she stops me.

"Mmm slow down there doll. Not so fast."

I tilt my head looking up at her.

I know messing around in a dressing room is a little risky but it's not the strangest place we've had sex.

I think her classroom with an unlocked door is a little bit worse.

When I try to look into her eyes, she seems to be avoiding my gaze and it makes me feel uneasy.

Did I do something wrong?

I start to ask when she kisses me.

It's not as powerful as the previous one but it's sweet and gentle.

I smile into it and when I open my eyes I can see a visible blush on her tan cheeks before she tries to hide it.

"Umm, I'll just be waiting out here ha ha." She fixes her belt and goes back out into the waiting area.

I start to change back but I'm still wondering why she stopped me.

I know we've been going at it a lot lately but she seemed to want it just as much as I did.

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