Chapter 25: My Protector

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I feel warmth surrounding me as my eyes flutter open.

The clock beside me says it is 7Am and the sun is just starting to peek through the curtains.

I stretch a little and smile as I feel Sams grip tighten a little around me.

I look back at her sleeping peacefully and sigh snuggling back against her a little more.

We've slept in the same bed before but never this close.

Also never naked.

It feels so nice and safe.

Even though she broke the number One rule and I know my body has marks all over it, and I'm going to probably be a little sore later,I'd gladly do it all again.

When I'm with her I feel as if she would never hurt me or let anyone else for that matter.

She has always been my safe place ever since college.

When guys would break my heart I always knew I could run to her and she would be waiting for me with open arms.

There was even a time when I was so distraught that she held me just like this for hours until I finally fell asleep.

Back then, I didn't realize it but she has always put me first.

Never once has she come crying to me about some girl she's been with or even any problems she's having with anything. She always took care of me.

I used to think she only kept me around because she wanted to sleep with me but she's such a genuine person.

Every time she had a new girl on her hip I felt this pain in my chest as if she would forget about me.

I know it's absurd but I now see that I was jealous.

Jealous of the time they got with her and the fact that she wasn't giving me all of her attention anymore.

God I sound so selfish.

She has been nothing but good to me and what have I done for her?

I start to turn towards her when my phone rings.

I reach over and see that it's Jason.

I'm about to answer when I feel her begin to stir.

"Mm..Don't go baby, it's too early." I smile and kiss her forehead before answering the phone.


"Jesus babe, did you forget how to answer your phone?!"

I look at my phone and mentally face palm myself as I see all of the missed calls and text messages.

"I'm sorry Jason, I got bored and came over to sams. I fell asleep and forgot to let you know where I was." I explain trying not to be too loud.

He sighs and it sounds like he puts the phone down on the bed or something so I'm probably on speaker.

"Okay babe. As long as you're safe that's fine I was just worried all night I mean, I came home, you weren't here, I didn't get a text."

"I know I know I'm sorry I should've at lease texted and let you know but I'm okay. Me and sam were just hanging out and I lost track of time."

He accepts my apology and starts talking about going on a fishing trip with his friends when I feel sams hand slide along my thigh leaving goosebumps in its path.

She gently places kisses along the back of my neck and across my shoulders making me close my eyes and melt back into her.

I bite my lip trying to suppress a moan and She notices.

She frowns at my attempt to keep quiet so I glance back at her pleading for her to behave while I'm on the phone but a smile forms on her lips and I know that I'm in trouble.

All of a sudden she pulls me over so that she's sitting up against the headboard and I'm sitting between her legs with my back facing her. I yelp at the swift motion and Jason hears it.

"Babe? You okay?"

She covers her mouth trying not to laugh as I smack her in the arm.

"Yeah I'm fine I just thought I saw a bug or something. What were you saying?"I assure him that I'm fine and he goes back to talking.

I put the phone on mute and turn to glare at her when she roughly grabs my jaw and kisses me causing me to moan Into it.

At this point I'm soaking wet.

Memories of last night and this lustful atmosphere around us is driving me insane.

"I don't like when you're quiet. I want to hear you."She releases my face and begins gently caressing my breast with one hand while her other slides between my legs.

I squirm a little not wanting her to have the satisfaction of knowing how wet I am but also excited for what she has in store.

"Mmm I'm sorry baby but I didn't want him to hear."

She's going to get me caught if this keeps up but I can't help but want her to fuck me senseless.

I give one last attempt to get free when suddenly the hand that was on my breast wraps around my throat.

I moan and bite my lip as she got right next to my ear. "Behave."

I whimpered a little because hearing the sound of her voice like that almost made me cum alone.

It was so deep and raspy from sleep.

God if I knew she got this horny in the morning I would've started sleeping over a long time ago.

At this point I've almost completely forgotten about Jason.

The way she's touching me and kissing on me is going to send me over the edge before she even gets inside of me.

I grab my phone and tell Jason that he can go do whatever he wants and that I have to get off the phone to relieve myself.

"Oh sweet, I'm off to work but I'll be back on Monday from the trip! Love you!"

"Okay, I'm going to a party with sam tonight so if you need anything text me." With that I hang up the phone and toss it to the side before turning around so I'm facing her and straddle her hips.

She has a shit eating grin on her face because she seems to find it amusing to play with me while I'm on the phone.

"Oh? You're going to the party now?"

I smile reaching over and grabbing the tie that she used last night to blind fold me and wrap it around the back of her neck.

"Of course. I can't let Ashley have you all to herself now can I?"

She bit her lip as I pull her closer to me with the tie as i arch my back from Feeling her strap press against me between my legs.

"Is that what you want?" She says gently rubbing it against my pussy lips.

A lot of men assume that if a woman likes to get fucked by a strap on that she would like a real dick more.

That's not always the case because whether it's a real one or a fake one, the difference is in the person using it.

And my god does she know how to use it.

A few hours later we both lay back on the bed exhausted.

I lay  on her chest as it rises and falls from her heavy breathing.

Prior to Jason, I have been with a few guys before, but none of them fuck me as good as she does.

"Fuck. How do you do this to me?" I ask cuddling up to her.

She smiles and kisses my cheek before getting up and walking towards the shower.

"I'm just that good babe." She winks at me and I smile at how silly she can be.

Once we're both showered and dressed I decide I need a new outfit for the party so we go to the mall to do some shopping.

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