The Traitor Among Us

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Olivia Corsair

A week later.

Olivia sat in the house on the hill just as the cold winter storm was ebbing. She sat crunched up in the corner next to one of the closets in the front area of the house. She shivered. She gathered her arms into her shoulders and rubbed them in her emerald cloak. She was frightened and scared. She was scared that it had come to this. She was waiting for the rogue hunters who had been on a spree of killing in the city of Denbrook. They were the same hunters that shot at the female Uruk just outside the city. They saw the Uruk as prey. The prey they could sell off as meat or the armor they wore as coin to be bargained for. The rest were sold to the King's military fleet.

Yes, Leonidas and his men were not suffering much in this winter storm. In fact, that's how they managed to survive and sustain a rich tapestry of people. But she tried to not think about that. What Liv thought about was how her father was using this rogue force to exact his will on her kind. As she breathed, she took in some cold air. It was refreshing but she knew that it was temporary. Liv glanced at her necklace. It still glowed emerald, green when everything was peaceful. It also monitored her health. She touched it and thought of her mother. As she sat there Olivia heard a low rumbling noise to the side of her, near the kitchen.

It was a strange sound but typical for humankind. It was funny, she could hear warbling chirping noises in the vast spaces of the Highland Forest and think that was normal but get her in the King's kitchen with five different experienced cooks, cooking their mouthwatering dishes and it was another world to her. She then realized it was something called the refrigerator. It was cooling. But she personally did not need anything hot to eat since she left the shop. The only thing she wanted that was cool enough was vengeance. She wanted it because she remembered all the time the human girls got away with excluding her out of things.

And the fact she had been excluded out of her family. It was her need to be with and feel a connection with her family. It was being taken from her. She saw and heard on the local tele about the rogue hunter squads cornering Uruk families in their homes, in shops, in the city and slaughtering them. Citing them as the miscreant, infested abominations they thought they were. They needed to eliminate them. Or sell off their parts if they couldn't. Liv wanted them to answer for that. So, she touched her blade next to her and she waited.

An hour or so later, Liv heard a noise out of the corner of ears. Her eyes and ears perked up. She heard movement outside of the door that the rogues owned. This was their hideout and they hardly let anyone new in. She then slipped into the closet in the back next to the janitor room. It was small and cramped but it fit her hiding abilities. This rogue group was new to her. They were dangerous and quick, but Liv thought she could handle them. Well, the truth is, she didn't know if she could. But she couldn't stop now. She wiped the sweat from her brow below her curls of brown mopped hair and proceeded to wait.

She was nervous but excited just the same. Her hands twitched on her belt. She touched her silver blades. They were sharp and could cut through the ice that was forming outside their home. The door opened, and a tiny bell sounded. In the door walked, five rogue agents. Two were blonde haired, two were auburn haired, the last one was black haired. They all had onyx covered uniforms with gold emblems. They walked over and saw someone they did not expect to be there. He was seated in a chair at a table in the makeshift kitchen. They called out to him. "Hey Bear, why are you here...? Did you sleep here?"

The rookie, Bear, didn't answer immediately but nervously turned so he faced the four of them with his iPod in his ears. The commander of the group grabbed the earplugs off his ears and tossed them on the floor next to him. "Eh...Wha...?" He looked like he had just been sleeping. His eyes were drowsy. "I said, did you sleep here?" said the lead agent. "Man, I must've. I couldn't find the Elves in the vast Highland Forest, like we were supposed to. I was hoping..." Another one of the four interrupted him. "No, we double back. We expand our search and find them. We have members in other cities that can coordinate with us, so that we can eliminate this threat."

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