8.Go Your Own Way

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Hermione and Harry had a nerve-wracking day and a half. They knew they had to tell the Weasleys their news, but they were terrified. They didn't want to upset them, and they knew an argument would break out. But it was now Friday and they planned to leave tomorrow so they had to tell them.

They waited for Arthur to come home that evening. Hermione and Harry were sitting in Hermione and Ginny's room. They had been discreetly packing for the last few hours. Throwing things into their school trunks. "I hate the thought of having to do this, Harry." Hermione sighed, sitting on the cot bed next to him and throwing a boot into her trunk.

"I know Hermione. I do, too. But I know what we are doing is right."

"I know. I completely agree." She frowned. It didn't make it any better, though. They sat for a few moments in silence. They could hear a swooping sound, and before they knew that Mr Weasley and George were home. They waited a few seconds and heard the usual "hello everyone" before standing up. This was the usual cue that dinner was ready. It was always ready for about 5.30 when everyone got home from work. Tonight, Percy was here as well. he still lived in a little flat beside the Ministry, but he visited every other evening for dinner.

"Let's do this," Harry half smiled. "Everything will be fine," he assured his best friend as she followed him out of the room.

"I was wondering where you two had gone off to," Ron grumbled, coming down from the floor above.

"Yeah, packing a few things away to make a bit of room in there," Hermione smiled at him. He didn't even look up at her.

"Yeah, our room is the same. It's too small a room to have to share. Sorry," he mumbled.

"Not at all. We have loved being here." Hermione smiled. Ron headed into the kitchen and sat down. Harry and Hermione stood by the doorway. Everyone was here this evening for Friday night dinner. Bill and Fleur, Percy, George, and even Charlie.

"Now?" Hermione whispered.

Harry nodded. "Um... everyone?" There was complete silence as everyone turned to look at the two standing in front of them.

"What's up, Harry?" Bill asked.

"Nothing at all. It's just," he looked to Hermione.

"Harry and I have been talking. We want to say thank you to you all for taking us in these last few years. You have treated us like family, and we love each and every one of you."

This had everyone's attention now. Harry took over. "Hermione and I have decided to move out. We are going to move to Grimauld Place. I had offered it to Remus previously, but it...well, no one lives it now."

"Please do not think that we are unhappy here." Hermione blurted. "We love being here. But we know that you need time to grieve. Grieve as a family. You do not need us taking up space and -"

"You do not take up space," Mrs Weasley squeaked. "You are family."

"We know," Harry smiled. "And we love you like family. But you need time on your own. Time to mend. Time to heal. Spend time, just yourselves. You all need each other right now, and you have made us feel so welcome and comfortable, but we can't help but feel like we are in the way."

Mrs. Weasley went to say something, so Hermione cut in. "We know you would never think we were, but we do. We are so sorry. We don't want to leave and never come back. We will be back here all the time. You will be sick of seeing us," she gave a small laugh.

"And we want you to feel like you can visit us at any time. Our home is your home," Harry added. "We love being with you all but I think it's important for you all to be together right now and lean on each other. We don't want to get in the way of that." He was panicking now, feeling like he was messing everything up by not saying the right things.

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