16. Goodbye To You

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Draco and Luna had helped Sloane with the rest of her shopping. Not that she had an overly lot to buy. But after about an hour, she had all her books, school shoes, a book bag, cauldron, potions kit, quills, ink, parchment, socks, tights, and anything else that the two thought she might need. Draco and Luna had even walked her to the Leaky Cauldron again to say goodbye and make sure she was home safe and sound before heading home themselves. For Sloane, it had been a very long day. 

She was still a bit pissed at Ron for his outburst, but she knew he regretted it. When she arrived home she had letters from both Harry and Hermione to say as much. But it wasn't them who needed to apologise, and she knew she would be waiting a while if she was waiting for Ron. He was as stubborn as her brother used to be. 

So she was a little nervous on the morning of the 1st of September as she waved goodbye to her aunt and cousins as she headed off with her uncle Kingsley in a car to Kings Cross Station. There had been tears from her cousins this morning as she left for school. Well, not from Kovu, who kept making fun of the girls for being emotional and then took himself off before she left as she could see his own eyes well up. 

Zenaida it turns out was huffing as she thought, since Sloane was heading off to school, she would no longer need her little cottage and that Zenaida would get it as she was the oldest. It was only when her father stepped into her room to see her packing that he told her under no circumstances would she be moving into it and that it was to remain locked until Sloane returned. Then Zenaida threw a tantrum and was grounded. So her tears were not so much for Sloane but for herself. Little Thailia was the only one who was not afraid to show her tears for Sloane leaving. "Why you no come home Swon?" Thailia asked. 

"Well, I have to go to school." Sloane smiled feeding her some toast.

"And afta skuol?" She asked. 

"No, I have to stay at school. But I will be home for Christmas?" Sloane offered to try to make her feel better?"

"Kissmas soon?" Thailia asked hopeful.

"Very," Sloane said lifting the little girl in her arms and hugging her tight. 

Joanna watched the interaction smiling. It was wonderful how well Sloane had fit right in with the family. She was worried that her niece would find it hard as she had never really met them before. But she was a dream with them and they with her. Joanna was going to miss Sloane. They had spent many nights sitting outside watching the stars and gossiping. They had bonded over books and music and Joanna loved her like her own. 

"Now if you need anything, you just let me know?" She said as Sloane stood in front of her. 

"I know auntie, I will." Sloane smiled. 

"And you will write to me? I am going to miss our little chats. I will want to hear all about Hogwarts and your friends and boys." She gave a wink and Sloane chuckled holding up her pinky.

"Promise, Joanna." Joanna beamed at the little gesture they made and held her own pinky to Sloane's, shaking it. She then hugged her niece tightly and kissed the top of her head. 

"Merlin, she isn't going off to war you know. It's school. She will be safe, and she can write as often as she wants and floo call us too." Kingsley laughed. "Come on you. Time to go. Give your final salute soldier."

Sloane now rolled her eyes but did it anyway making Thailia giggle and Zenaida smile through her huffing. Kingsley threw her trunk into the car and sat on the right side as Sloane waved goodbye one last time and climbed into the left-hand side of the very long car. 

"Was this necessary?" Sloane asked as she looked around her. 

"Not really, but if I can't spoil my favourite niece on her first day of school then when can I?"

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