109. Memories

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"So how exactly how do we begin?" Draco asked standing in the middle of the Quidditch grounds. Kingsley wasn't kidding about the extra helping hands. About thirty must have turned up. Some were Aurors, some Order members and some just offering assistance. It meant that there were guards now at the top of each stand surrounding the pitch as well as some at the entrances and the gates as well as a few scattered on the grass. The rest headed up to the castle to stand guard. Draco and Sloane were standing in the middle of the field, alongside Tina, Newt, Kingsley, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. No one knew exactly what they were doing or where to begin but they were the best chance the couple had, they were all the couple had. Newt had a textbook open in his hands, something he and Hermione had found which described Blessed Fire or Firestorm in the hopes it may help.

"Do you know much about the Firestorm spell?" Professor Flitwick asked the students.

"No sir," Draco said having never heard of it before.

"All I know is that it was very powerful. Harry told us that Professor Dumbledore used it the night they went hunting for the locket horcrux. He used it to fight off Inferi so that they had a chance to escape." Sloane simply repeated what Harry had said. "But I've never seen it cast before myself. "

"According to this," Newt said moving closer and reading from the large textbook. "When the caster moved, the ring of flame would move with them in the same direction, The caster might also shoot jets or balls of flame at individual targets or opponents while the fire was still being produced, which would inflict a small amount of damage to them. The spell Partis Temporus would temporarily create a gap in the flames to allow safe passage through." He looked up. "I know that's not much to go on but -"

"But it's good to know how it works," Sloane kissed her uncles cheek. "The more we know the better."

"What was that spell to part the flame?" Draco asked curiously.

"Yeah I want aware anything could impact Firestorm," Professor McGonagall sounded impressed.

Newt looked back at the text, "that would be Partis Temporus," he shrugged. "At least we can get through the flames if needs be."

Tina frowned. "It doesn't help us to produce the flame though." She turned to Draco and Sloane. "There is no incantation or spell as such," she get bad she couldn't offer more to them. "Firestorm is something you feel inside you and it bursts from your wand."

Sloane wanted to curse. She felt clueless, like she was standing in a hall taking her NEWT exams only she had no idea what she was asked to cast. She was beginning to think maybe she should just start pointing her wand to see what would happen when Draco gave a gasp next to her. He made almost everyone jump and turn to him. "Sorry, sorry," he grimaced. "But I was just thinking, we have no idea where to start because we have not seen the spell cast before."

Sloane nodded. "That's right."

Draco seemed a little excited now. "But we know someone who has?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, I love you, but if you are going to tell me that you just remembered someone who could cast this, I will hex your balls into the next millennium!" Kingsley bit his lip so as not to laugh as Tina beamed very impressed by her niece. She could handle herself.

"I like them where they are thank you," he raised his hands up signifying his innocence. "But we know someone who witnessed this Firestorm being cast." He looked around. "Who went with Dumbledore that night?"

"Harry," Sloane almost gasped. "Of course!"

Poor Harry however had no idea why he was being summoned to the pitch and was slightly worried as he walked behind two large men who looked like they could be bouncers for a nightclub. He said nothing as they marched him down the stairs, out of the castle and down the school grounds. It was intimidating, having so many people watch you as you walked but Harry focused on Sloane. The amazing girl, who had become like family to him, who was standing beaming at him as he got closer. "You summoned me?"

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