70. Surpirse!

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Sloane could not keep a straight face as Mr Greengrass was made to apologise to her and Draco and well as Narcissa, Kingsley, and Joanna before Draco and Sloane were dismissed to head to the Transfiguration office with Narcissa and Joanna while Kingsley stayed behind to have a few words with Astoria and her parents.

"I can't believe he thought you were pregnant!" Draco laughed as they headed down the corridor on the main floor to the courtyard that lead to Transfiguration.

"I can't believe the way you stood up to him for me," Sloane said, holding Draco's hand as both Narcissa and Joanna walked behind them.

"No one speaks about my girl like that. Not to the girl I love." He winked.

"Did I miss the part where you two fell in love?" Joanna asked, making them both turn around in the courtyard to explain.

"Basically, after last night, Sloane and I talked to make sure that she knew that I did not instigate or want the kiss Astoria laid on me. And I told her that it was her that I wanted to spend my life with and that it was her that I loved."

"And I love him too," Sloane smiled, looking up at him. "It's funny, I used to hear teenagers talk about love, and I used to laugh, thinking there was no way they were old enough. Draco and I have only known each other for a few months, but I feel this connection with him that I can not even explain."

"Like this magnetic force that is pulling us together." Draco went on.

"Exactly!" Sloane giggled. "I can feel him. It's hard to explain, but I can tell how he is feeling, or I have a sense of what he is thinking at any given moment."

"And I am the same with her. I can feel her. Yesterday, when that toad kissed me, I felt this stabbing pain in my heart." Draco said.

"And I felt the exact same pain. Sharp as a knife slicing into my heart."

"When Sloane is nervous or anxious, I can feel it, and I can offer her comfort, even though I am not next to her. It's so bizarre."

"It's not," Joanna shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Sloane asked.

Joanna looked between the two teenagers. "When you are Ceangalanam, you can literally sense and feel the other person's thoughts and feelings. Like you are one person. You share each other's happiness and pain. You can heal each other. When you finally do bond completely and tie yourselves together, you will develop all sorts of abilities. Every couple is different, of course, so it will be interesting to see how you two connect, but you basically become one soul."

"It's a beautiful thing. So your emotions may be fast and maybe even feel too soon for you, but your souls have been searching for each other since birth. You were literally made for each other, so of course you love each other." Narcissa shrugged. "Just don't go so fast that you forget to enjoy being together."

"This is your time to get to know one another and grow as a couple to become strong and united. Take your time. It's not a race. Enjoy your relationship now before the marriage, and babies and responsibilities come." Joanna laughed. "Trust me...then it's exhausting!"

The four headed to the office where everyone else had already started for the day. Now that they knew what they were up against, it was easier to find books and passages that referenced Gargoyles, which meant they were finding out information quicker than yesterday. Already, they seemed to have two blackboards filled with information. Sloane was reading through all the bits she didn't know before.

- Gargoyles have open mouths and protruding tongues for devouring animals/people whole
- Their tail is used to turn humans into Gargoyles - pierce human's heart
- Can only be killed with blessed fire
- Cannot move while being watched. Only when human closes their eyes can they move
- Can speak but usually just make rasp and hissing noises
- Some gargoyles have wings
- No two gargoyles look alike just like no two humans look alike
- Gargoyles can turn most animals into monsters to do their bidding

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