18. Something Wicked This Way Comes

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The door opened and in stepped Harry, Hermione, and Draco looking very confused, even more so when they saw Professor McGonagall having tea with Sloane. "It is good to see you three. Please do come in and take a seat. This will not take long. Tea?" She passed out three cups of tea as each in turn helped themselves to a treat. Sloane opted for a lemon start she spied at the bottom—her favourite. 

Hermione was a little lost. She wasn't ashamed to admit that she was a little put out when her letter arrived over the summer and there was no mention of Head Girl, something she had wanted since she first stepped foot into the castle. When she and Harry were summoned a few moments ago, she again thought this was it and that she and Harry had been selected but when she arrived at the cabin, she was shocked to find Draco Malfoy there looking as confused as they were. Draco thought this was some sort of practical joke. What could the Headmistress possibly want him for other than to tell him that she had made a huge mistake and that he would not be welcome back at school like everyone else and must take the train back to London? Harry was raging that he had just bought a load of sweets that he was pretty sure Ron was helping himself to right now. 

Not one of them expected to open the door and see the Headmistress smiling up at them, offering them tea and cakes while Sloane sat opposite her. Draco moved into the room first and moved past Sloane to take the only empty chair there was. Hermione and Harry scooted close onto the small sofa that Sloane was on. Meaning Sloane's legs were now pressed against Draco's.

"Now, the reason that I have called the three of you here is because this year we are planning on changing the rules a little. As I am sure you have noticed, I have not chosen a Head Girl and a Head Boy. The fact of the matter is that I do not want to have one. The eighth years coming back are very few. So few in fact that I thought of combining you all into the one dorm."

"Excuse me, Professor?" Draco asked.

"There are only twenty year-eights left since the war and while we want to welcome everyone back, the truth is that the dorms are full of our first—seventh years and as such we had to make a new room for the year-eights. You will still have your houses, but you will all share one dorm room."

"That makes sense," Sloane shrugged.

"So where is the new dorm?" Hermione asked. 

"We have added a new tower during the rebuild. The entrance is right next to the Library." Professor McGonagall explained.

"Well that's these two sold," Draco smirked pointing at the girls. Even Harry suppressed a laugh. 

"Now, while I did mention that there is no Head Boy or Girl as such, I have decided that this year I want to add a new feature to the school." Sloane nodded listening intently trying not to think about how amazing it will be to have a dorm next to the library. "Instead we will have a counsellor and tutors as well as duelling trainers. I would like to offer you four the positions."

"Us?" Harry asked confused. 

"I would like Sloane to be a counsellor. These three, I am told know of your ... healing abilities?" Sloane nodded. "Sloane can also empathise with people, another gift she has. She can help them with their pain. A counsellor would be a great addition to the students."

"We will also be resuming our Duelling Club. A chance for students to practice their magic safely. Harry, you held DA classes during your 6th year. I thought you could do this again only not in secret?"

"Excellent! Yes, I am in."

"We will also be offering tutoring for those who maybe have been away for too long and may need to catch up or get a refresher on what they have learnt, and a tutor for extra help to those who need it. Hermione, you would be perfect for this."

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