20. Changes

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"I am the sorting hat, tattered and old
For centuries I've sorted the brave from the bold
The friendly from the smart, cunning from the shy
I place you where you belong, I always like to try

I can look inside your head, your secrets I can see
I see the one you truly are, you cannot hide from me
It may be a big decision but fear not, I am always fair 
The houses you are sorted to, you'll feel at home there

Your powers are incredible, the best I've seen for years
You will be liked by all four houses of your peers.
You have a kind and gentle soul, unique you truly are
Given the right guidance I belive you will go far

So where to place you, where should you go?
This is the 
hardest decision, I'll have you know
You have traits from all four houses it's true 
And I am struggling to find the right place for you

No one spoke for a few moments after that. Sloane sat with the hat on her head but didn't dare move. She didn't even dare breathe. She was terrified. "Well?" Professor McGonagall snapped suddenly making Sloane jump. "We have a whole host of first years waiting to be sorted. Can we speed this up please?"

"I am trying. It is not an easy task. This child has unique qualities and would fit in well in any of the houses that she is placed in. She fits in nowhere and she fits in everywhere. This may be the most difficult decision I have ever made."

Professor McGonagall raised her hand to her lips and thought. "So what have you decided?"

"In simple terms - I haven't. This girl is too unique to belong to anywhere. While she would fit in well in any house, I fear the houses would hold her back from reaching her full potential."

"So....she doesn't get a house? That is not possible. Every student is sorted into a house. Since the founding members of the school. She has to be sorted -"

"And yet sorting her would be decremental to her. She is too unique. She needs a unique option." The hat said simply. 

"A unique option? What kind of answer is that?" Professor McGonagall pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"She has qualities from all houses." The hat sat, now sounding slightly annoyed at his knowledge being called into question.

Professor McGonagall sighed. "Alright, thank you," she lifted the hat off Sloane's head. "So now what do we do?"

"If I may Minerva?" Came a voice from behind. 

"Yes, you may. Absolutely you may, so long as it is an actual good idea." McGonagall flopped down in her chair. 

"It seems Miss Sage is a truly unique student. Showing traits from all four houses is a great quality to have, quite like her mother. Remember how hard it was to sort her? She only went to the house because she asked for it. I believe both ladies should have been placed in their own houses." A white-haired man smiled from his portrait.

"What Albus?" Ah, so this was Albus Dumbledore. Sloane looked up at the portrait that was speaking. A man with the most glorious long white beard smiled at her. His half-circle glasses sat at the edge of his nose, deathly close to falling off. His blue pointed hat was adorned with silver stars which hid the top of his hair, however long silver strands peeked out the bottom and tangled in his beard so it was hard to differentiate which was hair and which was his beard. He looked quite regal and Sloane couldn't help but smile back at him. 

"It wouldn't have made sense for Tabitha as she would have been on her own but Miss Sloane will be in a dorm with her year group, so it does not matter if she has a unique house." He pressed his fingertips together, his elbows resting on his golden throne chair.

Professor McGonagall thought for a moment. "That does not help with what school robes she should wear?"

"Ahh, but of course a combination of colours." Dumbledore smiled.

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