99. What The Hell?

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Sloane threw her bag down in her dorm and opened Goose's cage even though he was curled up in his little bed and fast asleep. She lifted a little Tupperware dish full of peaches out of her bag and left it next to him all with a small glass with water. She used her wand to lift the clothes and items out of her bag, putting them in their rightful place around her room. The last thing she lifted out was a record that Joanna had bought her for Christmas, which she lifted from its sleeve and set it on her record player, dropping the needle as the music echoed around the room.

Draco had went off to see Professor Slughorn and Harry and Hermione for a walk so she had the whole dorm to herself. And she was soaking in every single second. She loved being around her friends and Draco but this was a very rare occurrence when she was able to be alone with her thoughts.

Since Draco had said he would look into her family's disappearance, she didn't want to admit it but she was afraid. Afraid of what he would find. Part of her wanted to know, needed to know but there was another part of her that was terrified. But she knew the chances of Draco actually finding out anything were slim. Kingsley and the Auror department had already tried for months to discover the truth to no avail. So Sloane decided not to tell Draco of her feelings but to simply wait. She gave a sigh as she looked around her room. This was her favourite place in the castle. Her own little safe haven. She loved everything. Her cushions, her books, her drawings and song lyrics that she had on display on the wall, her photos of her family and fri-
Sloane furrowed her brows as she looked around the room. One of her pictures on her desk was missing. The picture of herself and the whole gang from one of the first nights that all hung out together in the dorm. It was her favourite and she didn't remember moving it. She began to look around the floor, under the bed, behind the desk thinking maybe it had fallen but nothing.

It was odd and as Sloane stood in the middle of her room trying to retrace her steps she suddenly noticed that it wasn't the only thing missing. "What the crap is going on?" She said aloud as she began to tear the room apart. She overturned her bed and pulled everything out of her wardrobe before diving into her trunk to look in there.

"Eh...Sloane?" She heard Harry call from behind. "Everything alright?"

"We wondered what the noise was," Hermione said as she grabbed Sloane's waist to help her out of the trunk again. "I thought someone had broke in." Sloane took a sharp intake of breath. "What is it?"

"I think...I know it sounds silly but I think that someone has been in here." Sloane said biting her lip.

Harry had his wand out in a split second and was moving slowly around the room. "What do you mean?"

Sloane sat on the edge of the bed, as Goose climbed up her arm, now awake and curious as to what the commotion was. Hermione sat at one side and Harry continued to search. "It's weird but there are some things missing from my room."

"Did you forget them at home?" Hermione offered.

"I didn't bring them home," Sloane said sadly still wondering if she simply set them out of sight somewhere. "My picture of all of us is missing from my desk." Sloane pointed to their desk as Harry inspected it as if waiting for someone or something to jump out at them. "My favourite jumper is missing as well. You know the one with Sawyers band name on it?"

Hermione nodded as Harry proceeded to open the wardrobe and look inside. "Anything else?" Hermione asked smiling but Sloane could sense the worry.

"Yeah," Sloane sighed. "My pillow is gone as is my school tie and my diary." Sloane gave a scoff. "How do you suppose someone got into my room?"

"Sloane?" Draco called from the common room. "What's wrong?" He sounded panicked and Sloane heard something drop followed by large footsteps rushing upstairs. He stopped in his tracks looking into the dorm. "I could feel the panic off you three and - why is your room so messy?"

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