81. In The Gang

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Sloane knocked quietly on the door and waited until she heard the usual "come in" before turning the knob on the door and slipping into the bedroom. She turned and looked to the bed, smiling when she saw both Hermione and Harry lying up width ways on the bed doing homework, their books spread out around them. "I was hoping you would both be here. I wanted to know if we could talk to you for a few minutes?"

Hermione looked up from her textbook, and Harry stopped writing both, looking curiously at Sloane now where she stood at the end of the bed. "We?" Harry asked, looking past her but knowing no one was there.

Sloane pointed behind her. "Out in the common room. It will only take a few minutes." She was getting ready to beg if needs be.

But Hermione smiled, closing her book. "Sure," she answered, jumping up off the bed and following her closest girlfriend out of her room with Harry behind them. Right out to see Draco and Theo sitting on one sofa by the fire.

Harry and Hermione took the opposite sofa while Sloane stood by the fire. Just as they settled, the portrait door knocked, and Sloane went to open it.

"Are you having a party without me, Sage?" Sirius pouted as Blaise and Ginny entered the dorm.

"Would I ever?" Sloane chuckled. "Just having a chat. I will fill you in later," she winked.

"You better," he sighed and turned back to Remus, who was patting his back but smirking.

When Blaise and Ginny took their seats, she began. "Thank you for coming," Sloane smiled at the couple. Hermione looked a little nervous. "It's nothing bad," Sloane reassured her. "We just wanted to ask a favour."

"Oh," Hermione nodded. "Sure, what do you need?"

"You have an Order of Merlin, First Class Hermione, right?"

"Uh, yes. For my part in the war," she said, confused.

"Well, as a result," Sloane went on. "There are certain things you can do." Hermione was still nodding. "One such thing is that you can perform marriage ceremonies." Hermione knew she could. She didn't ever think she would need to use that particular skill, so she was a little surprised that Sloane was now asking her about it. She couldn't help but look between Draco and Sloane.

Draco caught her eye. "Not fucking me!" He shouted.

Sloane's face fell. "Thanks, Draco. I love you too." She rolled her eyes but turned away from the Slytherin's. One who looked horrified by his outburst and two who were biting on their lips to refrain from laughing. Ginny elbowed Blaise and smiled apologetically at Sloane. "No, Hermione, but you're on the right track."

"It's me and Daphne that want to get married," Theo then said, joining the conversation. He took a deep breath. "You might as well know the full story, so here goes."

Sloane took a seat in the free armchair next to where Draco sat on the sofa. He felt terrible for how he shouted, so he tried to take Sloane's hand to gauge how annoyed she was. He thought if she was angry, she would pull her hand away. She didn't. He took her had on his and gave it a squeeze. But he got no reaction. Her hand sat loosely in his. She looked to her left, and he flashed her a smile, hoping to read her face. But she just gave a half smile back and turned back to Theo. Draco half wished she was angry. This was worse.

"Well, you see, the thing is that Daphne and I have been dating since the summer. Just after the war, actually. We are completely in love with one another. She is my better half, my missing link, and she makes me feel whole. I love her. I have loved her from the very first kiss. She is the one I want to spend my life with." He was looking between Harry, Ginny, and Hermione as he spoke. Hermione was smiling, her face full of emotion at Theo's sweet words. Ginny was grinning. Harry was impressed that Theo could speak so openly about his feelings. "Well, a few weeks ago, Daphne and I found a little surprise while on a visit to Madame Pomfrey. Ironically enough, we were seeing her for more anti-pregnancy potion. But as it turns out, that potion is not always effective, and Daphne is pregnant."

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