119. Playing Games With My Heart

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Sloane was lying on something very cold and very wet. She wasn't sure exactly what was happening but from the smell she knew exactly where she was. That smell of mould, dampness and decay was something that one does not forget so easily. She slowly sat up, not sure if anyone was in the room with her as she couldn't actually see anything. She tried to move her hands, only to discover they were in shackles, attached to the wall. They were long enough that she was able to stand up and move around the small room but not enough to get to the door or the window.

'Sloane?' She heard a faint voice, almost like a whisper. She knew immediately it was Draco but it was obvious that wherever he was, he was no where near her.

'Draco?' even her internal voice was croaky.

'Sloane! I am so happy to hear your voice baby! Are you alright?' Draco was panicked, she could sense it in his voice.

'I am...alright. But I have no clue how I got here.'

'Got where?'

'Draco...you know exactly where I am,' she sighed. 'But I am not hurt.'

'That bastard!' Draco snapped. 'Is Hermione alright?'

"Hermione?" Sloane hadn't realised she had said the name out loud as well as internally.

"Sloane?" A croaked voice came from the corner. Sloane ran straight to the corner, almost hitting the wall in her haste to get to her friend.

"Hermione!" She began to feel the wall, the dampness of the wall seeping into her fingers and she felt her way down to the ground and then around the floor until she reached something soft and fleshy. "Hermione, are you alright?" Hermione had to shake her head to get it to focus. She felt like she had a horrific hangover although she didn't remember drinking. Actually, she didn't remember anything after being out on the balcony and something being there with her and Sloane. Something very large....and gargoyle-like! She jumped up, only discovering when she tried to move that she too was shackled to the wall. "Hermione are you OK?"

Hermione felt her body up and down. "I'm alright...for now," she gasped, her lips trembling and the cold cutting through her pyjama bottoms and long-sleeve top. "Sloane...are we....down in -"

"Yeah," Sloane almost cried. "We are."

Hermione sobbed, not knowing what else to do. It wasn't often that she found herself in dangerous situations without Harry and Ron at her side. She wasn't sure what to do. They worked best as a trio, not as a duo. That had been proven before.

'Hermione is alright,' Sloane took a deep breath.

'That's good,' Draco said although his voice was fainter now than even a whisper. It was hard to make out.

'Draco? It's hard to hear you. We are in one of the storage rooms. Not the room from the last time. This one is smaller.' Sloane felt a crunch under her feet and hissed in pain.

"Sloane?" Hermione cried out.

"I'm alright," she hissed out. "Watch out there is broken glass here, Mione. Do you have your slippers on?"

"Yeah," Hermione hummed. She used her foot to wipe at the ground hearing the glass move under her feet. She had no idea if she as making it worse or better but it was better than nothing. She began feeling around the wall trying to see if there was anything else in the room. The sun was coming up now and there was sunlight peeking in through the small window in the room, casting a slither of light, just enough for the girls to make each other out. "There you are!" Hermione smiled walking towards Sloane noticing the small cuts in the soul of Sloane's foot. "You're hurt!"

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