91. Wheres Your Head At?

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They tried to come up with a list of possible suspects, failing miserably as they didn't know any animals. Out of them all Sloane was the only one with a companion and Goose had never been out of the dorm.

It was terribly frustrating.

"Wait," Draco said after about an hour of guessing. He pulled out his wand. "Dice Nunc," he said quietly but firmly as Goose looked up to him. "Goose?"

"Yes daddy?" Goose answered making Theo jump.

"That Niffler just spoke," Theo laughed nervously. "Am I the only one who heard that?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "It's the spell Newt created so we can talk to him. Now quiet," he turned his attention back to Goose. "Hi honey," he smiled as the Niffler hummed in happiness. "Have you noticed any animals in the dorm room recently?"

Goose looked up at Draco folding his arms and tapping one paw against his chin. "Oh yes daddy, yesterday and last week."

Draco beamed. "That's fantastic Goose," he rubbed the little Nifflers belly. "Do you know what kind of animal it was?"

Goose gave an involuntary shudder and nodded. "I knows what it was. It was scary. Goose had to hide."

Draco patted his head. "I'm sorry we weren't there to protect you," Draco frowned. "You must have been afraid.

Goose nodded. "Buts I is being clever and I hideded behind the cushion." He looked around and the leaned in to whisper. "Mr snake was there when we has the party. I liked that cake."

"Me too buddy," Blaise called over.

Goose turned. "Grandpa! Did you eat the cake too? It was yummy!"

"It really was," Ginny nodded and waved at the little creature.

"Nana!" He called out as he jumped to Ginny who just managed to catch him. "I is happy coz nana is here."

Draco cleared his throat. "Ok Goose you have been brilliant. But the snake, did he do anything or just watch?"

Goose thought hard. "He just watcheded us dancing and then he lefted. But the other day he was in our home with that fluffy thing."

"Fluffy thing?" Harry asked confused.

Goose nodded. "Yeah that thing that is sometimes in our dorms that comes in through the window. See," he pointed to the screens.

Sure enough there was a camera pointed straight into the dorm, and the kids could see the window to the left of the screen which was now moving. If they weren't watching it with their own eyes they wouldn't haven't believe it. A cat pushed open enough to squeeze in.

"That's a cat," Hermione gasped leaning into her a better look.

"That's not just any ugly cat, Theo explained. "That ugly bastard would be Mrs Norris." Everyone turned to look at him. "I kick her all the time, it's our thing." He shrugged.

"So Filch's cat has been in the dorm room," Sloane said as she began to pace. "Basically relying information," she sighed heavily. "Well Theo next time you kick that cat, give her one from me." Theo beamed.

"Mrs Norris doesn't realise what she is doing I would bet. He has control over her. He knows where you sleep and your names. Merlin know's what other information he's got," Newt was pacing now in step with Sloane. "But why has he not attacked yet? What is he waiting for?"

"He knows he can't come up here," Tina said thinking aloud, she tucked her short grey hair behind her ear. "He can't move if someone spots him and I would think he knows about the security by now."

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